NTT DATA, Inc. Appoints Sudhir Chaturvedi as Global Chief Growth Officer and North America CEO
NTT DATA, a global digital business and IT services leader, today announced that Sudhir Chaturvedi will join NTT DATA, Inc. as its Global Chief Growth Officer and North America Chief Executive Officer.
In the newly created Global Chief Growth Officer role, Chaturvedi will lead the acceleration of consistent growth strategies globally, with special focus on global industries, strategic accounts, and joint go-to-market execution with key strategic partners.
In his North America CEO role, Chaturvedi will lead NTT DATA Inc.’s growth and business in this strategic region, while leveraging synergies with his Global Chief Growth Officer remit. Chaturvedi succeeds Eric Clark who is leaving the company for a leadership role outside of NTT DATA.
Chaturvedi will report to Abhijit Dubey, President and Global CEO of NTT DATA, Inc., and plans to be based in Plano, TX.
“Sudhir has a unique blend of expertise across Consulting, IT Services and Software, alongside industry, digital transformation and strategic sourcing experience,” said Abhijit Dubey. “He has a very strong background in industry driven sales and go-to-market transformations, and execution of growth initiatives at the intersection of strategic clients, transformation deals and joint go-to-market with strategic partners. This, coupled with his client-centric approach and expertise in the North America market, makes him the perfect fit for both roles.”
Chaturvedi brings an impressive 28-year career across diverse industries driving global strategy and results. Most recently, he was President of Global Markets at LTIMindtree. Before LTIMindtree, Chaturvedi was the Chief Operating Officer at NIIT Technologies. His earlier career included a succession of leadership roles at Infosys, where he drove strong growth across various business units in Europe and North America during his 13 years with the company. Prior to Infosys, Chaturvedi held consulting roles at EY and A.F. Ferguson.
Dubey added, “I would like thank Eric for his leadership during his NTT DATA career, most recently leading our North America business and positioning NTT DATA for continued success in this critical market. Eric has been a tremendous colleague to me personally. We wish him well in his new opportunity.”
“NTT DATA is a powerhouse in the technology industry. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join the company at this critical time working alongside the talented team at NTT DATA,” said Sudhir Chaturvedi. “I am looking forward to bringing NTT DATA’s unparalleled expertise and capabilities to our clients, strengthening our role as their trusted partner.”
Chaturvedi holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and dual MBAs from the University of Poona and the University of Leeds, focusing on Finance and Information Systems and an Advanced Management Program degree from the Wharton School.
NTT DATA is a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services. We serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping clients innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. As a Global Top Employer, we have diverse experts in more than 50 countries and a robust partner ecosystem of established and start-up companies. Our services include business and technology consulting, data and artificial intelligence, industry solutions, as well as the development, implementation and management of applications, infrastructure and connectivity. We are also one of the leading providers of digital and AI infrastructure in the world. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group, which invests over $3.6 billion each year in R&D to help organizations and society move confidently and sustainably into the digital future. Visit us at
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