Donna Karan New York Unveils Iconic Kate Moss in the “Multi-Faceted Woman” Spring 25 Campaign
NEW YORK, Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Donna Karan New York expands its vision of iconic timelessness by featuring Kate Moss for the Spring 2025 Campaign. A legend who has captivated the world over decades, Moss embodies the enduring spirit and identity of the brand today.
Since the re-launch of Donna Karan New York last spring, the previous two campaigns showcased eight leading models as a cross-generational portrait accompanied by the message, “In Women We Trust.” The new campaign builds upon this legacy through a multi-faceted depiction of Moss that reflects her sensuality and strength. Photographed by Craig McDean, a close friend of Moss, and a former brand collaborator, the Spring 2025 collection comes to life in a serene, light-filled space infused with warmth and natural elegance. Showcasing a range of looks from the collection, Moss effortlessly embodies a spectrum of her authentic self—captured both in motion and moments of stillness.
“It was great working with Donna Karan New York again and shooting with Craig McDean is always fun, he is like family. To me, Donna Karan has always been about effortless glamour and luxury with a little bit of an edge and this collection really captures all of that.” – Kate Moss
In continuity with themes developed over past seasons, the looks are at once timeless and chic, emphasizing the system of dressing that sets Donna Karan New York apart. Whether it's a black blazer reworked with a halter neckline or a draped ecru dress that redefines the body, the designs allow the wearer to embody sexiness, edge, and ease. Key pieces — from a linen suit to slouchy knits glinting with lurex — showcase how the season's monochromatic palette is elevated with shimmering surface treatments that exude contemporary elegance. Throughout the collection, silhouettes are adorned with lustrous hardware, reflecting elements inspired by the archive.
Resonating across generations, this high-impact exploration of Kate Moss parallels the renewed energy of Donna Karan New York, a legacy in women's fashion that now feels as relevant as ever.
The Donna Karan New York campaign launches today across all Donna Karan social channels, featuring the iconic Kate Moss as its star. This powerful narrative will be amplified with a 360-degree approach across North America, utilizing a diversified media mix of high-visibility digital platforms, striking print placements, and premium outdoor displays. The Spring 2025 collection will be available in North America in select retailers on February 6th, 2025 and on
Photographed by Craig McDean
Styled by Jessica Diehl
Creative Direction by Trey Laird
Hair by Shay Ashual
Makeup by Diane Kendal
Gabriella Romero -
G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (NasdaqGS: GIII), a global leader in fashion with expertise in design, sourcing and marketing, owns and licenses a portfolio of over 30 preeminent brands. The Company is differentiated across unique brand propositions, product categories and consumer touch points. G-III owns ten iconic brands including DKNY, Karl Lagerfeld, Donna Karan and Vilebrequin, and licenses over 20 brands, including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Halston, Converse, and National Sports leagues, among others.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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