Sustainability Economics and Gujarat Power Corporation Limited Sign MoU to Accelerate the Convergenc
Ahmedabad- India, Feb. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ahmedabad, India – In a groundbreaking move to accelerate the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and clean energy, Sustainability Economics and Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic partnership aims to integrate two transformative megatrends through an innovative approach, fostering the growth of AI infrastructure powered by clean energy sources.
Sustainability Economics, a global leader in AI advancement, is headquartered in Singapore and the United States, with a major development center in Bengaluru, India. The company is laying the foundation for an AI driven future by playing a critical role in the end-to-end AI ecosystem, powering every building block of AI.
Their global focus includes developing AI cloud parks, offering AI infrastructure as a service, and sector-specific AI use cases by customizing open-source and proprietary LLMs and AI agents.
Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), a state government-owned entity in India, has been at the forefront of renewable energy development in Gujarat. The corporation has spearheaded the establishment of multiple renewable energy plants in the state, reinforcing its commitment to a sustainable future and playing the crucial role in meeting the state’s growing energy needs.
Under this collaboration, Sustainability Economics and GPCL will work together to source the most optimal clean energy mix for AI cloud parks.
Leveraging an intelligent energy management system powered by AI, Sustainability Economics aims to ensure its AI infrastructure operates efficiently with a scalable, reliable, and cost-effective clean energy supply.
Mr. Kasu Venkata Reddy, CEO & Co-founder of Sustainability Economics stated, “This partnership marks a significant step toward building next-generation AI cloud infrastructure powered by clean energy. By integrating AI with clean energy solutions, we are laying the foundation for a sustainable and scalable AI ecosystem.”
Mr. Arun Mahesh Babu, IAS, Managing Director at GPCL added, “The convergence of AI and green energy represents a pivotal moment for Gujarat’s sustainable development. This partnership demonstrates the powerful symbiotic relationship between technological advancement and environmental responsibility, paving the way for a cleaner and more efficient energy future.”
The partnership aims to explore the development of AI cloud parks that will be co-located with existing and upcoming clean energy parks, fostering the convergence of two major trends: AI and clean energy.
Additionally, the partnership will explore new frontiers in green hydrogen, offshore wind, and energy storage, along with other areas of mutual interest. It will also focus on conducting comprehensive feasibility studies to optimize and secure low-cost capital for GPCL’s existing and ongoing renewable energy projects.
This collaboration between Sustainability Economics and GPCL aims to set a new benchmark for integrating AI with clean energy solutions, driving both technological innovation and environmental responsibility, by placing India at the forefront of AI and clean energy convergence on a global scale.
Emily Smith
Communications Manager
Sustainability Economics
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