Hivello Secures Strategic Investment Led by Animoca Brands Ahead of Token Listing
- Animoca Brands leads investment into Hivello alongside Taisu Ventures, NGC, Blockchange and Contango.
- Hivello will list its token (HVLO) on and MEXC exchanges.
- Animoca & Hivello are hosting a live X Spaces 11th February
LONDON and AMSTERDAM, Feb. 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hivello, a DePIN aggregator that enables users to earn by monetising idle computer resources across multiple decentralised networks, has announced that Animoca Brands, the company driving digital property rights to help build the open metaverse, is leading its current funding round.
Hivello will use the funds to further innovate and achieve its objectives of simplifying DePIN nodes and making them more user-friendly. Hivello is a DePIN aggregator focused on making DePINs more accessible. By allowing users to contribute their computing resources, Hivello enables them to earn through various Web3 protocols. Its mission is to eliminate the complexities often associated with decentralized networks, empowering users to engage in Web3 projects without needing specialized technical knowledge.
In addition, Hivello’s Token Generation Event (TGE) is taking place on and MEXC, marking a significant milestone in the company’s growth and ecosystem development. The $HVLO token will play a crucial role in powering Hivello’s decentralized economy, facilitating staking, rewards, and broader participation in DePIN networks.
As part of this journey, Hivello and Animoca Brands will be hosting a live discussion to dive deeper into the company’s growth, investment landscape, and future roadmap.
Event details:
- Date & Time: February 11 at 5 PM HKT | 9 AM UTC | 4 AM EST | 10 AM CET
- Where to Watch: Streaming live on LinkedIn and X
- Follow Hivello on X to find out more details
Animoca Brands is a global leader in gamification and blockchain with a large portfolio of over 540 investments in Web3. Its mission is to advance digital property rights and decentralized projects to help build the open metaverse. The investment announced today connects Hivello with Animoca Brands’ extensive experience and innovation, furthering Hivello’s mission to simplify access to DePIN and enable users to earn rewards by contributing their computer resources.
Hivello is dedicated to making DePIN nodes accessible and user-friendly for everyone, breaking down complex barriers often associated with decentralized networks. Animoca Brands’ mission to deliver digital property rights to gamers and internet users worldwide aligns with Hivello’s goal of empowering users by enabling them to contribute to DePIN networks. Both companies focus on providing users with true ownership and control over their digital assets.
Yat Siu, the co-founder and executive chairman of Animoca Brands, said: “Animoca Brands is dedicated to building a more equitable digital framework that enables all users to benefit from the many advantages conferred by digital property rights. We are thrilled to support Hivello’s efforts to make DePIN nodes more accessible and user-friendly, helping to advance and simplify true digital ownership, network effects, and the open metaverse.’’
Domenic Carosa, co-founder and chairman of Hivello, said: ‘’We welcome Animoca Brands as a strategic partner and lead investor in our latest funding round. Its expertise and innovation in the digital and blockchain space will be instrumental as we continue to simplify access to decentralized physical infrastructure networks.”
About Hivello
Hivello is a DePIN aggregator that enables users to earn by monetising idle computer resources across multiple decentralised networks
The $HVLO token will be issued by the Swiss-based HVLO Association under license from Hivello Holdings.
Website | X | Discord | LinkedIn
About Animoca
Animoca Brands, a Deloitte Tech Fast winner and ranked in the Financial Times list of High Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2021, is a leader in digital entertainment, blockchain and gamification. It develops and publishes a broad portfolio of products, including the REVV token and SAND token; original games such as The Sandbox, Crazy Kings, and Crazy Defense Heroes; and products using popular intellectual properties including Disney, WWE, Snoop Dogg, The Walking Dead, Power Rangers, MotoGP and Formula E. The company has multiple subsidiaries, including The Sandbox, Blowfish Studios, Quidd, GAMEE, nWay, Pixowl, Bondly, Lympo, and Grease Monkey Games.
Website | X | LinkedIn | Medium
Contact information:
Karla Janse van Rensburg
Marketing coordinator @ Hivello
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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