Caseware AiDA™ Achieves Positive Evaluation of AI Risk Assurance Safety Protocols from Holistic AI G
Caseware confirms security of client confidential information and response reliability with independent assessment of its AI digital assistant
Toronto, Feb. 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Caseware, a global leader in cloud-enabled audit, financial reporting and data analytics solutions, has today announced that Holistic AI, makers of the leading AI governance platform for the enterprise, has been chosen as a strategic foundation of Caseware’s AI strategy to provide ongoing assurance and visibility of Caseware’s rigorous safety standards for its solutions to its customers. Recently, the companies completed an independent evaluation of the safety and security features within Caseware AiDA, the organization’s AI digital assistant, performed via the Holistic AI Governance Platform.
Danielle Supkis Cheek, senior vice president, AI, Analytics and Assurance at Caseware
Launched in May 2024, AiDA is a state-of-the-art AI-powered digital assistant for the accounting, audit and finance professions. AiDA is designed to enhance efficiency, ensure compliance and provide precise, context-aware responses to profession-specific inquiries enabling accounting, audit and finance experts to work more efficiently. With AiDA, no user prompts are retained or fed back into the training model, maintaining the highest standards of data security and compliance that Caseware has always delivered for the profession.
Adriano Koshiyama, co-founder and co-CEO of Holistic AI
The Holistic AI Governance Platform’s evaluation process, which assigned Caseware AiDA a low-risk rating, validated that sufficient steps have been taken to mitigate key risks often found in the areas of transparency, efficacy, robustness and privacy through significant qualitative and quantitative testing. This rigorous assessment ensures AiDA meets the requisite standards of AI safety and assurance, particularly crucial for accounting and audit professionals who must maintain strict data security and professional standards.
"As AI adoption accelerates in the accounting profession, ensuring trust and safety is paramount," said Adriano Koshiyama, co-founder and co-CEO of Holistic AI. "Our mission is to empower enterprises to adopt and scale AI with confidence. We recognize those organizations that share our commitment to governance and actively demonstrate development of responsible AI tools while protecting customer data and maintaining professional standards. Caseware is leading the way in harnessing AI’s potential with AiDA, delivering innovation at speed while maintaining an unwavering commitment to security and trust. We are proud to partner with them on this transformative journey.”
"Professional skepticism and accuracy are foundational to the accounting profession," said Danielle Supkis Cheek, senior vice president, AI, Analytics and Assurance at Caseware. "As users may place confidential, restricted, personal and sensitive personal data into AiDA, privacy is a key concern. At Caseware, our safety-first ethos sets us apart. By incorporating the ongoing evaluation of an independent AI governance platform from Holistic AI, we're demonstrating our commitment to building secure, efficient, fit-for-purpose AI tools that accountants can trust, maintaining the rigorous standards the profession demands."
Supkis Cheek continued, “The Holistic AI Governance Platform is a strategic element of our AI strategy, staying true to our commitment to the responsible creation and delivery of AI tools. Caseware will continue to enhance its AI-driven solutions, ensuring they meet the highest standards of transparency, accountability and ethical practices.”
Caseware AiDA was recently announced as one of the 2025 Top New Products for Accountants by Accounting Today.
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Notes to editors
About Caseware
Caseware is the leading global provider of cloud and AI-enabled solutions for audit, assurance, financial reporting and data analytics for accounting firms, corporations and government regulators. Caseware’s innovative tools and platforms help more than half a million users in 130 countries work smarter, dig deeper and see further as they transform insights into impact. For more information, visit
About the Holistic AI Governance Platform
The Holistic AI Governance Platform accelerates AI transformation within an enterprise by integrating AI governance seamlessly with all common data and AI systems across the organization. It automatically discovers AI projects in progress, simplifies inventory management, assesses technical and regulatory risks early in development, and offers actionable risk mitigation strategies. With automated reporting, continuous monitoring, and an executive-level dashboard, the platform gives leadership comprehensive oversight and control of their AI use cases, enabling teams to move from concept to deployment faster—ultimately maximizing ROI for the enterprise. Holistic AI’s founders are active members, experts, and/or collaborators in the following organizations and initiatives: the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Safety Institute, the UN AI Advisory Body, the OECD’s Network of Experts on AI, the Alan Turing Institute, the Assessment and Mitigation working groups for the EU AI Act GPAI Code of Practice, the EU AI Act, the Council of Europe, and the first international convention on AI. For more information, see
Elise Sallis, VP, Head of Global Communications Caseware
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