Philips and Mass General Brigham announce collaboration to improve patient care with live AI-powered
February 21, 2025
Integrating advanced data analytics into clinical practice to improve patient care
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Cambridge, MA – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and Mass General Brigham (MGB), home to one of the largest hospital system-based research enterprises in the US, today announced a new collaboration to develop and deploy advanced data infrastructure and AI designed to integrate and process live healthcare data from a wide range of sources to improve patient care.
Today, healthcare providers often rely on disparate data sources, including static Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data, clinical notes, and isolated device alarms. By streaming accurate, reliable and detailed data from medical devices and other sources, Philips and MGB aim to create a scalable, unified, near real-time data and insights ecosystem. Powered by Philips software platforms, the collaboration aims to enable clinicians to capture, analyze, and react to data as it is available, potentially improving the effectiveness and efficiency of patient care.
"This exciting collaboration marks a key step forward in healthcare innovation, harnessing the full potential of AI and medical device data to advance patient safety, operational efficiency, clinician ergonomics, while opening new discovery possibilities,” said Dr. Tom McCoy, Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering at Massachusetts General Hospital. “By mobilizing previously siloed medical device data into an integrated high speed, high resiliency, real time data fabric we will be able to deliver the transformative potential of software to the patients who need it most."
The collaboration will leverage a combination of Philips technologies to unify active data streaming from medical devices at the bedside, such as ventilators and monitors, with other longitudinal clinical data, such as lab results and EMR data, to create a comprehensive and actionable data environment. Philips Capsule Medical Device Information Platform brings together data from different devices, allowing Philips Clinical Insights Manager to facilitate retrospective analysis and testing, and Philips Capsule Surveillance to leverage continuous algorithmic processing to deliver smart alerts into live clinical practice.
For the collaboration, Mass General Brigham is bringing together the expertise of its biomedical engineering team, clinical sub-specialists, digital teams and internal AI business unit (Mass General Brigham AI) with Philips’ research and business teams. The joint effort will deliver data insights, enhance data integration and foster the development of new algorithms, capable of identifying patient-cohort patterns and generating smart alerts for clinical intervention. These alerts will provide clinicians with actionable insights at critical moments to support better patient care.
An initial research program as part of the collaboration focuses on patients undergoing continuous, real-time heart monitoring. By analyzing this data, the research aims to improve early detection of cardiac events and other critical health issues, potentially saving lives and expediting treatment.
“This collaboration between Philips and Mass General Brigham represents a significant step forward in the integration of advanced data analytics into clinical practice,” said Betsabeh Madani Hermann, Global Head of Research at Philips. “By developing predictive data analytics and AI algorithms, key tools for enhancing patient care, we’re empowering clinicians and supporting better care for more people.”
For further information, please contact:
Anna Hogrebe
Philips Global External Relations
Tel.: +1 416 270 6757
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2024 sales of EUR 18 billion and employs approximately 67,800 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at
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