iHerb Surpasses $2.4 Billion in Sales, Solidifying Leadership in Global Health and Wellness
iHerb surpasses $2.4 billion in sales
iHerb, one of the world's leading online retailers for vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, celebrated a record-breaking year with 37 million global orders fulfilled in 2024.
Company celebrates record-breaking year with 37 million orders fulfilled in 2024
IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iHerb, one of the world's leading online retailers for vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, celebrated an extraordinary year in 2024, achieving over $2.4 billion in net sales, an all-time high for the company. Fueled by robust customer demand and a commitment to exceptional service, the e-commerce retailer fulfilled an impressive 37 million orders to 180 countries, reinforcing its position as a trusted global leader in the health and wellness industry.
- Exceptional Performance: iHerb exceeded $2.4 billion in net sales, reflecting a YoY growth of 14.5%. This milestone was driven by an expanded product portfolio and enhanced customer engagement. Additionally, the company’s Anniversary Sale in September 2024 set new company records for net sales, new customer acquisition, gross profit and Adjusted EBITDA. The month-long promotional event generated approximately $250 million in net sales, with 34 international markets each exceeding $1 million in sales, cementing its status as a premier global sales event.
- High Customer Engagement: Active customers grew by 20% to 12.4 million in 2024, generating 37 million orders. A significant majority of these orders, 73 percent, came from repeat customers, showcasing exceptional customer loyalty. Even with increased demand, the company achieved over 90% in Customer Service Satisfaction and an impressive 85.6% Net Promoter Score (NPS), placing iHerb among an elite group of retailers most recommended by shoppers.
- Dynamic Product Portfolio: iHerb sourced nearly 250 new brands in 2024, including collaborations with top-tier brands like The Vitamin Shoppe, Martha Stewart Wellness, Living Proof, Pure Encapsulations, Rule One Proteins, Cymiotika, Olaplex, Micro Ingredients, Paul Mitchell, Bloom, Munchkin, Celsius, Ghost, Yuni Beauty, TerraSoul Superfoods, Tru Earth and more. With over 50,000 SKUs, iHerb continues to deliver innovative health, wellness, beauty and nutrition solutions.
- Global Marketplace Expansion: Investments in culturally diverse products, an iHerb customer platform that is now translated in 22 languages, and digital stores within 25 global marketplaces such as Amazon, JD, Tmall, Rakuten and Coupang, enables iHerb to deepen its international reach, fostering strong connections with consumers worldwide.
- Operational Advancements: With seven logistics centers located in the U.S. and abroad, iHerb maintains an average global shipping time of less than five days and nearly half of all orders are delivered in less than three days. The company further reduced its shipping costs and added over 20 shipping methods in 2024, enabling iHerb to offer free shipping in 80 countries while managing the prepaid duties and taxes in 50 countries for expedited clearance.
“2024 was a transformative year at iHerb, underscoring the resilience of our business amid global challenges such as inflationary pressures, exchange rate fluctuations in the U.S. dollar, and geo-political unrest,” said Emun Zabihi, CEO of iHerb. “Our quality assortment, paired with a seamless shopping experience, has earned the trust and loyalty of millions of customers worldwide. As we look ahead, we remain committed to our mission of making health and wellness accessible to all.”
Building on the momentum of 2024, iHerb plans to strengthen its market position by expanding product lines, enhancing customer relationships, and driving innovation to meet evolving consumer needs. The company is already in the process of opening two additional fulfillment facilities strategically located in Dallas, Texas and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to shorten delivery times and increase its capacity for new customer growth.
Strategic Pillars for Growth
1. Drive Global Customer Acquisition and Loyalty
Invest in targeted digital campaigns across search, social, and marketplace channels, with a focus on attracting health-conscious consumers. Garner customer loyalty by continually enhancing the shopping experience via personalized recommendations and information, content localization, and faster delivery.
2. Enhance Product Selection
Curate a robust product portfolio, blending established category leaders, emerging brands, and proprietary house brands to meet customer demands for daily health essentials and the latest innovations in wellness, beauty, fitness, and home. Broaden and deepen existing product categories and expand into adjacent product categories to further penetrate and increase the $1.3T total addressable market.
3. Achieve Sustainable Growth through Operational Excellence
Streamline supply chain processes, enhance fulfillment capabilities, and expand logistics infrastructure to meet faster delivery times at the lowest possible cost, ensuring exceptional customer satisfaction globally.
iHerb is poised for continued success as it builds on its strengths, delivering accessible health and wellness solutions for millions of customers worldwide. For more information about iHerb and its mission to make health and wellness accessible to all, please visit corporate.iherb.com.
About iHerb:
iHerb is one of the world's leading online retailers dedicated to offering an unbeatable selection of vitamins, minerals, supplements and other health and wellness products, including sports nutrition, beauty, bath and personal care, grocery, baby and pet care from over 1,800 reputable brands. Supported by a global workforce of 3,000 team members, iHerb serves over 12 million global customers across 180 countries and 22 languages. iHerb's sophisticated global logistics network is anchored by seven climate-controlled fulfillment centers located in the U.S. and Asia, providing customers a seamless and reliable shopping experience. Founded in 1996 and based in Irvine, California, iHerb is on a mission to make health and wellness accessible to all. For more information, please visit corporate.iherb.com.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/752407d5-0a25-4532-b528-645fca244994
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