Teledyne e2v announces new high-speed sensor with extended sensitivity in NIR wavelengths
GRENOBLE, France, Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne e2v, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE: TDY] company and global innovator of imaging solutions, introduces Lince5M™ NIR, a state-of-the-art high-speed CMOS image sensor. Leveraging Teledyne e2v’s advanced imaging technologies, this new sensor delivers enhanced performance in both visible and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, making it ideal for a wide range of commercial, industrial, and medical applications.
The Lince5M NIR is a monochrome image sensor with a resolution of 5.2 megapixels (2,560 x 2,048). Building on the established Lince5M, this new sensor combines high-speed capabilities and high Quantum Efficiency (35% at 850 nm) in both visible and near-infrared wavelengths. It achieves a high frame rate of 250 fps (full resolution, 12-bit ADC), using the 24 LVDS output channels. Lince5M NIR delivers superior performance for demanding applications that require sharp images at very high-speeds and in low-light conditions, such as motion capture, sport analytics, industrial metrology, retinal imaging, and intelligent traffic monitoring. Designed around Teledyne e2v’s 5 µm global shutter pixel, this image sensor offers a dynamic range of 55 dB in standard mode and over 100 dB in High Dynamic Range mode, making it perfect for observing high-contrast scenes.
Lince5M NIR is housed in a robust 28 x 28 mm 181 PGA (Pin-Grid Array) ceramic package and features a 1-inch optical format compatible with a broad range of C-mount lenses, for cost-effective camera integration. With an operating temperature range from -40°C up to 125°C, the Lince5M NIR is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
François Trolez, Marketing Manager at Teledyne e2v, said, “We are very pleased to release Lince5M NIR, specifically designed to offer unique features for high-speed imaging beyond the visible spectrum, with high performance in the near-infrared region. With its robust design, Lince5M NIR meets the demands of both industrial and commercial applications. Camera manufacturers currently using our Lince5M will find it easy to switch to Lince5M NIR, as both products share the same mechanical and electrical interfaces. This new product will enhance our ability to address new markets and applications.”
Lince5M NIR will be showcased during Vision China, Shanghai, China from 26-28 March 2025. Visit us on Teledyne stand 5413 in Hall W5 or contact us online for more information.
Documentation, samples, and kits for evaluation or development are available upon request.
About Teledyne e2v
Teledyne e2v innovations lead developments in healthcare, life sciences, space, transportation, defense and security and industrial markets. Teledyne e2v’s unique approach involves listening to the market and application challenges of their customers and partnering with them to provide innovative standard, semi-custom or fully custom imaging solutions, bringing increased value to their systems.
For more information, visit
Teledyne e2v media enquiries contact:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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