NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks Enhance Private 5G Security for Industrial Deployments
New managed service improves network visibility and automated threat response
NTT DATA, a global leader in digital business and technology services, today announced a new managed security service powered by Palo Alto Networks industry-leading technologies to enhance private 5G security in industrial and operational technology (OT) environments. Delivered as a turnkey managed service, the innovative offering provides enterprises with a Private 5G network with the visibility and security needed in today’s OT environments.
Combining Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), OT/ IOT subscriptions with NTT DATA’s Private 5G architecture, the new offering empowers clients with improved network visibility, access control and automated threat detection and response capabilities. With Palo Alto Networks NGFW, organizations can apply a Zero Trust security posture, incorporating machine learning (ML) to safely enable only the relevant connections, applications and protocols needed for their network.
The NTT DATA Private 5G and Palo Alto Networks offering is easy to set up and manage, seamlessly integrating into enterprise IT/OT environments, allowing organizations to focus on new ideas and innovation while ensuring a high level of security.
“NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks are creating a new standard for private 5G security and changing what's possible for industrial connectivity,” said Shahid Ahmed, Group EVP of Edge Services at NTT DATA. “By combining Palo Alto Networks advanced cybersecurity capabilities with NTT DATA Private 5G, we’re empowering enterprises to securely embrace the next wave of digital transformation and drive innovation with confidence.”
Private 5G networks are transforming industries such as manufacturing, healthcare and transportation. They bring fast and reliable connectivity to the edge and deliver seamless and secure communication in complex industrial environments.
According to the 2024 State of OT Security report from Palo Alto Networks and ABI Research, 70% of industrial organizations experienced a cyberattack on their OT environment in the last year. Almost 25% of these organizations suffered attacks that led to operational shutdowns and disrupted business continuity.
Tackling the visibility gap
While private 5G networks are secure by design, features such as end-to-end encryption, which hides communications between devices to ensure the data is private and secure, can hide threats. This can limit deep visibility into network traffic and device activity, leaving security teams unable to proactively monitor and detect threats effectively.
“As security threats continue to rise across industries, enterprises are facing increased challenges protecting their critical infrastructure and data. The rapid expansion of IoT and OT devices is further compounding these risks creating a growing attack surface. Yet, companies still see security as an add on when it needs to be built into the initial design of the network. This is where Private 5G with its inherent security features and advanced measures are making security an integral part of the network,” said Alejandro Cadenas, Associate Vice President at IDC.
With today’s news, NTT DATA and Palo Alto Networks are solving this challenge. This unique offering provides:
- Real-time visibility: Clients can now gain insights into encrypted data from connected devices, traffic patterns and communications.
- Device profiling: Machine learning algorithms identify and analyze IoT and OT devices based on behavior and risk.
- Zero trust security: Strict access controls ensure only authorized devices and applications can communicate.
- Automated threat detection: AI-driven tools quickly detect and remediate threats.
- Fully managed service: NTT DATA offers the solution as a fully managed service, bringing experience in both private 5G and network security to new and existing clients.
“As enterprises embrace 5G to accelerate digital transformation, security must be the cornerstone of that evolution,” said Anand Oswal, SVP and GM, Network Security at Palo Alto Networks. “Through our partnership with NTT DATA, we are enabling enterprises to fast-track their digital transformation with confidence by securing their networks and protecting critical data.”
Tailored for industrial connectivity
The new managed service is designed for industries that rely on secure, connected environments. Manufacturers can monitor devices and mitigate risks in real-time, energy companies can safeguard critical systems and transport operators can protect against disruptions to keep operations running smoothly.
Roularta Media Group recently adopted NTT DATA’s Private 5G network to modernize its global printing facilities and enable new use cases such as intelligent asset tracking and push-to-talk communications to streamline operations and improve productivity. The company is intrigued with making its OT network more secure.
“We recently deployed NTT DATA’s Private 5G network to improve productivity across our facilities and unlock innovative use cases across our global printing operations. The implications of this network security enhancement will be a game changer for our business,” said Luc Neysens, CIO of Roularta Media Group.
NTT DATA is a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services. We serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping clients innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. As a Global Top Employer, we have diverse experts in more than 50 countries and a robust partner ecosystem of established and start-up companies. Our services include business and technology consulting, data and artificial intelligence, industry solutions, as well as the development, implementation and management of applications, infrastructure and connectivity. We are also one of the leading providers of digital and AI infrastructure in the world. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group, which invests over $3.6 billion each year in R&D to help organizations and society move confidently and sustainably into the digital future. Visit us at
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