LambdaTest Introduces iOS VoiceOver Testing on Real Devices, Elevating Mobile Accessibility
LambdaTest's latest feature enables seamless VoiceOver testing on real iOS devices, ensuring accurate accessibility evaluation.
San Francisco, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform is advancing mobile accessibility testing with its latest addition—VoiceOver testing on real iOS devices. By enabling developers and QA teams to evaluate app accessibility in real-world conditions, this feature ensures apps meet the highest inclusivity standards.
Unlike simulators, real device testing replicates genuine user experiences, accounting for network variability, hardware performance, and actual screen sizes. This approach uncovers subtle accessibility issues that only surface in real environments, such as device-specific gestures and hardware interactions. With real-time VoiceOver narrations, teams can identify and fix problems like missing labels, incorrect focus order, and ambiguous UI descriptions—enhancing the user experience for visually impaired individuals.
Seamless activation of VoiceOver within LambdaTest’s real device cloud allows for quick compliance checks with WCAG guidelines. Teams can efficiently track issues through session recordings, screenshots, and annotations, streamlining collaboration and remediation efforts.
"Accessibility isn’t an afterthought—it’s a necessity. True accessibility comes from understanding how real users interact with technology in their everyday lives. By testing on real devices, we ensure that digital experiences are not just compliant, but truly usable and inclusive for everyone," said Mayank Bhola, Co-founder and Head of Product at LambdaTest.
Recent studies indicate an increasing reliance on mobile apps among screen reader users, reinforcing the need for accessible digital experiences. By integrating VoiceOver testing into their workflows, developers can address usability barriers before release, fostering an inclusive and frictionless app experience.
With this expansion to its accessibility toolkit, LambdaTest continues to empower teams to build functional, high-performance, and equitable applications, ensuring no user is left behind. For more information please visit:
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an AI-native, omnichannel software quality platform that empowers businesses to accelerate time to market through intelligent, cloud-based test authoring, orchestration, and execution. With over 15,000 customers and 2.3 million+ users across 130+ countries, LambdaTest is the trusted choice for modern software testing.
- Browser & App Testing Cloud: Enables manual and automated testing of web and mobile apps across 5,000+ browsers, real devices, and OS environments, ensuring cross-platform consistency.
- HyperExecute: An AI-native test execution and orchestration cloud that runs tests up to 70% faster than traditional grids, offering smart test distribution, automatic retries, real-time logs, and seamless CI/CD integration.
- KaneAI: The world’s first GenAI-native testing agent, leveraging LLMs for effortless test creation, intelligent automation, and self-evolving test execution. It integrates directly with Jira, Slack, GitHub, and other DevOps tools.
For more information, please visit,
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