Quectel Unveils Its New Smart Module SC200V at MWC 2025, Unlocking New Possibilities for High-Perfor
Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, today announces the launch of the SC200V smart module, powered by a Qualcomm Technologies processor. Designed to deliver exceptional performance across system capabilities, multimedia functions, network connectivity, and terminal development, this module is ideal for high-speed and multimedia-intensive applications, industrial handheld terminals, in-vehicle devices, robots, and beyond, unlocking new opportunities for next-generation intelligent solutions.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250302268235/en/
The SC200V features long term Android support, currently running on Android 13, with Android 14 available soon and plans to support through to Android 18. Powered by the Qualcomm® Adreno™ 610 high-performance GPU, the module delivers fast, high-quality graphics rendering. With advanced multimedia capabilities, including dual-camera support and 1080P @ 60 fps video recording and playback, combined with 0.9 TOPS of dedicated hardware acceleration for advanced computational processing, the SC200V ensures a seamless experience for applications demanding high multimedia performance.
“Quectel is committed to driving innovation in smart solutions, and the launch of the SC200V underscores our dedication to delivering high-performance, future-ready modules,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “With its powerful multimedia capabilities, robust network connectivity, and support for edge computing applications, the SC200V opens new possibilities for smart payment systems, industrial handheld terminals, in-vehicle devices, and beyond.”
The SC200V adopts an LCC+LGA package design, measuring 40.5mm × 40.5mm × 2.85mm, and is footprint compatible with other SC200x series modules, including the SC200E. Moving forward, the SC200V will share a unified software platform with the SC200E, enabling seamless hardware transitions and full software compatibility between the two modules.
The module supports LTE Cat 4 networks while maintaining backward compatibility with 3G and 2G. It also features Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other network standards, ensuring stable and flexible connectivity for terminals. Additionally, with Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, multiple receiving antennas operate simultaneously on the same frequency, minimising errors and enhancing communication quality. This makes the module ideal for applications requiring high-performance, reliable network connectivity.
The SC200V module is equipped with a diverse range of interfaces, providing exceptional flexibility and expandability. Its LCM interface allows direct MIPI display connections and supports adaptation to LVDS/HDMI outputs. The MIPI CSI interface seamlessly connects to camera sensors and is compatible with both analog and digital cameras. For audio, the module supports analog voice input/output and integrates third-party noise reduction algorithms for enhanced sound quality. Additionally, interfaces such as UART, USB, I2C, and SPI cater to various data transmission and communication needs, enabling seamless connectivity with a wide range of peripherals.
With these capabilities, the SC200V is perfectly suited for a wide range of applications, including smart cash registers, smart POS systems, handheld devices, vending machines, logistics lockers, audio/video recorders, smart intercoms, in-vehicle systems, high-end data acquisition equipment, smart robots, smart home solutions, wearables, and more.
About Quectel
Quectel’s passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric organization, we are a global IoT solutions provider backed by outstanding support and services. Our growing global team of 5,600 professionals sets the pace for innovation in cellular, GNSS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules as well as antennas and services.
With regional offices and support across the globe, our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT and helping build a smarter world.
For more information, please visit: www.quectel.com, LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.
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