Sailing: 2025 Season opens, 450 European Sailors Compete at Yacht Club de Monaco
MONACO, March 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 41st edition of the Primo Cup-UBS Trophy has officially set sail, the flagship event of the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM), organized in collaboration with UBS, the Municipality of Monaco and the technical clothing supplier North Sails. Following an opening day dedicated to training, over 450 sailors from 10 nations are now ready to compete until March 9 in this prestigious regatta, a cornerstone of the European sailing circuit. The event marks both the start of the 2025 season and the conclusion of the 2024/2025 Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series.
The Primo Cup-UBS Trophy continues to attract a growing number of young talents, reaffirming the club's commitment to fostering the next generation of champions. At the same time, the competition boasts an impressive lineup of seasoned sailors, including Britain's Saskia Clark (J/70), silver medalist at the London 2012 Olympics and gold medalist at Rio 2016 in the 470 class; Croatia's Tonči Stipanović (J/70), a two-time Olympic silver medalist in the men's ILCA 7 (2016 and 2020); France's François Brenac (Smeralda 888), the 1997 match racing world champion; and Slovenia's Branko Brcin (ClubSwan 28), winner of the 2015 Melges 24 World Championship.
“We are delighted to host the 41st edition of the Primo Cup-UBS Trophy. It is a key event for all one-design sailors. The first day was dedicated to training across all classes, and although the sea was a bit choppy today, it was crucial for everyone to get their practice runs in,” commented Fanny Brouchoud, Head of Sports Events at YCM.
As the final leg of the winter circuit, this regatta is a decisive opportunity for competitors to solidify their standings ahead of major European and world championships.
Among the 90 boats racing, the J/70 class once again leads in both participation and competitiveness, with 45 teams registered. The 2025 edition also marks the debut of the ClubSwan 28, the latest innovation from the prestigious Finnish shipyard Nautor Swan. This cutting-edge 8.5-meter sportboat combines high performance with agility, positioning itself as one of the season's most exciting new entries—perfectly in line with the Primo Cup's tradition as a launchpad for emerging classes.
Another highlight is the Cape 31, one of the most promising additions to the international sailing scene. Originally developed in England, this high-performance sportboat has rapidly gained recognition. After making its Monaco debut last year, it is now set to establish itself as a major contender in the competition.
Rounding out the five competing classes are the Smeralda 888 and Longtze Premier. The Primo Cup-UBS Trophy also remains an invaluable opportunity for YCM members to compete against some of the world's top sailors and continuously refine their skills at a high-level international event. “We strive to welcome crews in the best possible way, and we are fortunate to have an infrastructure that allows us to provide an exceptional level of quality,” added Brouchoud.
With its prestige and ability to attract elite teams, the Primo Cup-UBS Trophy reaffirms Monaco's role as a global sailing hub. Established in 1985 at the initiative of HSH Prince Albert II, the event continues to evolve, embracing new classes and strengthening its status within the European sailing circuit. Striking the perfect balance between experience and emerging talent, tradition and innovation, the 2025 Primo Cup-UBS Trophy once again promises to be an unmissable event on the international sailing calendar.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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