Gabelli Funds Establishes Zurich Office
GREENWICH, Conn., March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gabelli Funds is pleased to announce the opening of an office in Zurich, Switzerland that extends the company’s global research efforts beyond our offices in London, Tokyo, and Shanghai. The Zurich office is launching with several analyst teammates who will be part of our global research team.
Commenting on the addition of Zurich to the firm’s European operations, Gabelli’s Co-CIO of Value Portfolios Kevin Dreyer said, “We are on-boarding several senior analysts who will immediately contribute to our global research efforts. The extension of our research skillset is particularly timely given the opportunities in the global markets.”
GAMCO Investors, Inc., through its subsidiaries, manages private advisory accounts (GAMCO Asset Management Inc.), mutual funds and closed-end funds (Gabelli Funds, LLC). As of December 31, 2024, assets under management (AUM) were $31.7 billion.
Our disclosure and analysis in this press release contain some forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give our current expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements because they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning. They also appear in any discussion of future operating or financial performance. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, future performance of our products, expenses, the outcome of any legal proceedings, and financial results. Although we believe that we are basing our expectations and beliefs on reasonable assumptions within the bounds of what we currently know about our business and operations, there can be no assurance that our actual results will not differ materially from what we expect or believe. Some of the factors that could cause our actual results to differ from our expectations or beliefs include, without limitation: the adverse effect from a decline in the securities markets; a decline in the performance of our products; a general downturn in the economy; changes in government policy or regulation; changes in our ability to attract or retain key employees; and unforeseen costs and other effects related to legal proceedings or investigations of governmental and self-regulatory organizations. We also direct your attention to any more specific discussions of risk contained in our Form 10-K and other public filings. We are providing these statements as permitted by the Private Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We do not undertake to update publicly any forward-looking statements if we subsequently learn that we are unlikely to achieve our expectations or if we receive any additional information relating to the subject matters of our forward-looking statements.
191 Mason Street
Greenwich CT 06830
John Ball
President & C.O.O.
Gabelli Funds, LLC
(914) 921-7728
For further information please visit
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