Yacht Club de Monaco: Women and sport, charting a course through challenges and triumphs

MONACO, March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “Sailing, historically has been very male-dominated, but we have had a lot of initiatives to encourage female participation. For me, it's important because I think any space which is welcoming to every kind of people makes a really rich environment. And we can get there. We can keep pushing the level up. We're going to keep pushing all our level higher and get better.” These are the words of Saskia Clark, gold medalist in Rio 2016 and silver medalist in London 2012, speaking on the sidelines of the Primo Cup - UBS Trophy on International Women's Day.
"This event is amazing" – says Clark - "It's really a whole lot of people from the highest level of our sport to the grassroots. Everyone races alongside each other.” The 41st edition of the event features more than 90 crews and 450 sailors from across Europe, with an average of two women per boat. Female participation in sports is growing, yet the gender gap remains evident, both in access to competitions and in technical and leadership roles. High-level events like the one hosted by the Yacht Club de Monaco these days demonstrate how women are steadily carving out more space in the sport. Saskia Clark's advice to young athletes is clear: "Love what you do." "There will be moments in your career when everything becomes very difficult" - she adds - "but if you love your sport and what you do, you will always find a way to keep going."
March 8 serves as an opportunity to reflect on the role of women across various fields, including sports, which has historically been linked to masculinity, and on how the sector is evolving toward greater equity. According to European Parliament data, women make up only 31% of sports coaches, with significant disparities among different countries. Additionally, the International Olympic Committee currently includes only one-third women among its members, and in 2023, women held only 22% of all high-level decision-making positions within the national federations of the ten most popular sports. In 2015, they occupied just 14% of leadership roles within continental confederations of Olympic sports in Europe. The path to equality is still long: disparities remain stark in funding, prize money, and sponsorship opportunities.
"I never have to face something wrong. I'm feeling always involved and they trust me like I'm like them, it's perfect. I feel okay and I have my place on the boat,” says Zoe Boutang, vice French champion 2024 in the U20 and senior categories in kite foil, who is competing in Monaco as part of her preparation for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. "I’m usually alone on my kite, so it’s very interesting to gain another perspective, that of sailing. The crew has really supported me, allowing me to exchange ideas and improve on the water," she explains. Nautical sports, traditionally male-dominated, demonstrate how collaboration and gender equality can enrich the sporting environment.
Among the younger generations, awareness and determination are growing. "If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. When you succeed, everyone will be proud of you, and most importantly, you will be proud of yourself" - advises Boutang - "When you are confident about yourself, you can do whatever you want."
The Primo Cup - UBS Trophy is a key opportunity to showcase female talent in the world of sailing and reaffirm that sports, in every discipline, must be a space open to all, without distinction. Gender equality is not just a matter of numbers but of real and tangible opportunities.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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