Ingenium International Announces Strategic Growth Initiative Addressing Customer Requirements to Add
Ingenium International announces a new strategic expansion plan to address evolving customer requirements and growth opportunities. “After in-depth discussions with key customers, Ingenium recognizes the dynamic and evolving business environment that companies with major supply chains in Asia face,” said Kenny Wong, Ingenium’s CEO. “As a result, we have refined our growth strategies to offer customers greater agility in seizing market opportunities and managing supply chain risks in an era of heightened geopolitical sensitivity.”
The expansion plan incorporates plans to expand both horizontally and vertically. Ingenium plans to establish new factories in strategic locations that will offer customers greater flexibility in optimizing their supply chains. In addition, Ingenium plans to extend its manufacturing capabilities through internal expansion and by forging strategic partnerships to help customers streamline the number of vendors needed to fulfill their product manufacturing requirements. The overall goals of the initiative are to lower supply chain risk while continuing to deliver high precision product parts at a low cost.
About Ingenium International Ltd.
Ingenium focuses on manufacturing high-quality plastic parts that customers can easily integrate into their products. The company’s mission is to deliver plastic solutions that promote the competitive success of its customers' products in key markets throughout the world. Over its 30-year operating history, Ingenium has established a reputation for operational excellence, accumulating substantial experience, expertise, and scale in manufacturing and logistics support for the plastics industry. Many major global companies trust Ingenium to meet their product requirements in a wide variety of industries and applications. For more information, please visit
Mr. Joe Yau
Ingenium International ltd.
+852 9223 9892
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