The Triple-i Initiative Is Back; Prepare For More Big Hitters & ‘Out of Nowhere’ Reveals
Studios participating in the video game showcase are teasing their inclusion on social media, with the date of the event coming soon
BORDEAUX, France, March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yes, you heard right, the Triple-i Initiative is back for round two! With a mix of world premieres, gameplay reveals & other surprises from both established names and red-hot newcomers, this year’s edition promises to more than live up to the last. You might remember that last year’s show dropped the announcement of Slay the Spire 2 and The Rogue Prince of Persia, plus reveals from the likes of Risk of Rain 2, Palworld, and Vampire Survivors, so strap in.
The teaser trailer for this year’s Triple-i Showcase can be found here, featuring Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core, The Alters, Endless Legend 2, No, I’m Not A Human, and Enshrouded:
“We’re still newbies in this whole ‘video game showcase business’, so our goal with the second edition is not to try to fix something that isn’t broken. The show was well-received last year so we stuck to the same short and impactful formula while making it bigger and better of course! Players can expect a show packed with back-to-back exciting announcements and… that’s it. No ads, no hosts, no sponsors, just games,” said Benjamin Laulan, Evil Empire’s COO.
What started as an idea for Evil Empire to announce The Rogue Prince of Persia quickly morphed into an event where similar studios could band together and show their ‘next big thing’ to their fans. According to some data guys, the first attempt gathered over 13 million ‘video on demand’ views and has a 99.97% positive ratio on YouTube. Not too shabby for an opening salvo!
“This year, Evil Empire doesn’t have a flashy new game to unveil (sorry!), but since we loved making the show we want to keep the party going for everyone anyway. Dropping all these announcements from our corner of the gaming world in one big blast makes sure the entire show is fun to watch for our players, and for us too! We’re very thankful to all our fellow studios who worked with us to make this possible again,” said Bérenger Dupré, Evil Empire’s Marketing Director.
The Triple-i Initiative will be broadcast on YouTube, Twitch, IGN, Gamespot, and Steam. The show's date will be announced soon.
Follow news and updates on The Triple-i Initiative at as more reveals are coming.
About The Triple-i Initiative:
The Triple-i Initiative is a collaborative effort to highlight fan-favorite games and hype up established indie classics and new IPs. The initiative promises to deliver game announcements, reveals, and drops in under one hour, streamed live to respect players' and studios' time. Read more about the event here:
Press Contact:
Ron Burgess and Jordanne Laurito
UberStrategist for Evil Empire
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
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