“Anh Trai Vuot Ngan Chong Gai” – A Groundbreaking Reality Show Redefining Vietnam’s Entertainment La
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In alignment with the government’s directive to foster Vietnam’s cultural and creative industries, the Vietnamese version of “Call Me By Fire”, titled "Anh Trai Vuot Ngan Chong Gai," produced by YeaH1 Group has emerged as a transformative force in the country’s entertainment landscape. As Vietnam Television's highest-rated show in 2024 with numerous performances topping YouTube's trending charts, the show marks a pivotal step in Vietnam’s journey toward a globally recognized cultural industry that embraces innovation, nurtures talent, and meets international standards.
Breaking Boundaries: A Reality Music Show That Transforms Society
Originally adapted from MangoTV’s show Call Me By Fire, the show brings together 33 distinguished men over the age of 30-renowned stars and influential figures across various fields, including music, dance, film, sports, and photography. Evolving beyond a reality music competition, the show has become a powerful cultural and social movement, inspiring audiences and redefining the landscape of Vietnam’s creative industry.
Through innovative production, the show breathed new life into traditional Vietnamese art forms such as “Cheo” or “Cai luong”, making the heritage accessible to diverse audiences. Even in the digital age, the show unites multigenerational families, recreating the shared excitement and discussions like during the Television’s Golden Era. It has also brought overseas Vietnamese home, showcasing the show’s profound cross-border influence. More than just entertainment, one particular performance—filled with storytelling and emotion—deeply resonated with audiences and helped raise funds for over 100 life-saving heart surgeries.

Spectacular performances captivated audiences, elevating Vietnamese music globally.
Raising the Bar for Vietnam’s Entertainment Industry
The show is a milestone for Vietnam's entertainment industry, showcasing high-quality production, staging, and lighting that rival international standards. A new wave of music fandom has emerged from the show, reigniting young audiences' passion for Vietnamese artists.
With record-breaking ratings on national television and an unprecedented sweep of prestigious national awards, the show has garnered widespread acclaim from both industry experts and audiences alike. The program’s value has also been acknowledged by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, demonstrating the government's commitment to fostering and sustainably developing Vietnam's cultural industry.

The concert has become a cultural phenomenon.
Cultural Influence Driving Vietnam’s Economic Growth
The success has extended far beyond TV screens, dominating Vietnam's live entertainment scene. Across four nights, concert tickets sold out in under 90 minutes, with over 140,000 fans expected to attend, setting a new industry record. Beyond the direct economic benefits for local entertainment industry, the show fuels a vibrant ecosystem of fan-led activities. These include charitable fundraising, artist-honoring social projects, and a surge in related sectors such as tourism and advertising, highlighting its substantial cultural and economic footprint.
Besides that, on March 22, 2025, at Concert Day 3 in Ho Chi Minh City, fans will attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the Largest Gathering of People Wearing Traditional Vietnamese Clothing, further cementing the show’s role in cultural preservation and national pride.
Adding to this momentum, “Anh Trai Vuot Ngan Chong Gai - The Movie” will provide a cinematic tribute to the dedication of the production team and the 33 esteemed participants. Capturing raw, heartfelt moments through a cinematic lens, the documentary aims to preserve the spirit of the show while contributing to the growing evolution of Vietnam’s entertainment industry.
As Vietnam accelerates efforts to build a thriving entertainment sector, the show serves as a prime illustration of how strategic investments, artistic excellence, and cultural preservation can elevate the nation's global presence.
Media contact: ir@yeah1.vn
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