nCino’s Single Platform Selected by Desjardins to Automate Loan Origination Process Through Machine
North America's largest cooperative financial group to leverage nCino’s automated spreading solution, powered by nIQ, to drive increased efficiency
QUEBEC CITY, March 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - nCino, Inc. (NASDAQ: NCNO), a pioneer in cloud banking for the global financial services industry, today announced that the largest cooperative financial group in North America, Desjardins Group, will implement nCino’s Automated Spreading Solution, powered by nCino IQ (nIQ), expanding their partnership with nCino to further realize the benefits of a single platform.
After implementing nCino’s Small Business and Commercial Banking Solutions in 2022, Desjardins has been able to increase the speed of its loan origination process by eliminating unnecessary wait times for its members and clients. To improve the efficiency already gained by using the platform, Desjardins is expanding its use of nCino to include Automated Spreading functionality, which leverages machine learning to streamline the underwriting process, enhance financial statement data capture and improve the speed and quality of credit decisions. This solution covers multilingual documents and multi-currency financial statements, making the process smoother for Desjardins’ clients and members.
“Desjardins is continuously working to minimize delays and wait times for our members and clients and increase value added interactions by offering innovative digital solutions that meet their needs. Our partnership with nCino has already helped us accelerate the funding process to small businesses. With nCino’s spreading solution, we will be able to remain a leader and continue to offer members and clients a seamless user experience,” said Jean-Yves Bourgeois, Executive Vice-President of Business Services.
“Desjardins’ selection of nCino’s Automated Spreading Solution demonstrates their forward-thinking approach to leveraging and deriving meaningful value from technology.” said Greg Wipke, Vice President of Sales, Canada, at nCino. “We are proud to be strengthening our partnership and look forward to building upon the way Desjardins has embraced the nCino platform to create greater operational efficiencies across the credit decisioning processes and to enhance client experiences.”
About nCino
nCino (NASDAQ: NCNO) is the worldwide leader in cloud banking. Through its single software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, nCino helps financial institutions serving corporate and commercial, small business, consumer, and mortgage customers modernize and more effectively onboard clients, make loans, manage the loan lifecycle, and open accounts. Transforming how financial institutions operate through innovation, reputation and speed, nCino is partnered with more than 1,800 financial services providers globally. For more information, visit
About Desjardins Group
Desjardins Group is the largest cooperative financial group in North America and the fifth largest cooperative financial group in the world, with assets of $422.9 billion as at December 31, 2023. It was named one of Canada's Best Employers by Forbes magazine and by Mediacorp. To meet the diverse needs of its members and clients, Desjardins offers a full range of products and services to individuals and businesses through its extensive distribution network, online platforms and subsidiaries across Canada. Ranked among the world's strongest banks according to The Banker magazine, Desjardins has some of the highest capital ratios and credit ratings in the industry.
Media Contacts
Natalia Moose
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally include actions, events, results, strategies and expectations and are often identifiable by use of the words “believes,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “projects,” “may,” “will,” “could,” “might,” or “continues” or similar expressions. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based upon nCino’s historical performance and its current plans, estimates, and expectations, and are not a representation that such plans, estimates, or expectations will be achieved. These forward-looking statements represent nCino’s expectations as of the date of this press release. Subsequent events may cause these expectations to change and, except as may be required by law, nCino does not undertake any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially including, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to the market adoption of our solution and privacy and data security matters. Additional risks and uncertainties that could affect nCino’s business and financial results are included in reports filed by nCino with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (available on our web site at or the SEC's web site at Further information on potential risks that could affect actual results will be included in other filings nCino makes with the SEC from time to time.
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