FPT Global Internship Returns for Second Edition, Welcoming IT Students
FPT Software announced the second edition of its Global Internship initiative. The program is designed to provide opportunities for students to fast-track their technology careers with professional working experiences in a global leading IT company.
FPT Software’s Global Internship 2024 will welcome international students to its state-of-the-art campuses in Hanoi and Da Nang City, Vietnam, opening for enrollment from March 28th until June 2024. Spanning over eight weeks, the program will be divided into two cohorts starting from July 2024, with eligible participants including students in their second year or above pursuing bachelor's degrees in IT-related fields.
With Vietnam becoming a global digital hub and a chosen, trusted partner for enterprises worldwide, FPT Software's Global Internship program offers software engineering students opportunities to experience the country’s vibrant technology scene and the IT firm's projects that tackle business challenges for clients across different industries. Besides such hands-on knowledge and experiences, participating interns will also gain direct mentorship and enhance industry networks with FPT Software’s technical experts, especially in the fields of AI, Cloud, Data, and Cyber Security.
“Our company’s ambitious goal is to fuel the global pipeline of one million IT talents by 2035, and the Global Internship program is among our efforts to foster a future-ready workforce globally,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Nguyen Tuan Minh. “We believe that as our global interns engage in FPT Software's unique work culture, they will become FPT Software's enthusiastic ambassadors across different markets where we operate,” he added.
Since the first Global Internship last year, FPT Software has hosted students from top-rank universities worldwide. The firm looks forward to expanding the program to all countries and territories where it operates. More information on the program can be found at https://fptsoftware.com/pages/global-internship.
About FPT Software
FPT Software, a subsidiary of FPT Corporation, is a global technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam, with $1 billion in revenue (2023) and over 30,000 employees in 30 countries.
The company champions complex business opportunities and challenges with its world-class services in Advanced Analytics, AI, Digital Platforms, Cloud, Hyperautomation, IoT, Low-code, and so on. It has partnered with over 1,000+ clients worldwide, 91 of which are Fortune Global 500 companies in Aviation, Automotive, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Utilities, and more. For more information, please visit https://fptsoftware.com/
Mai Duong (Ms.)
FPT Software
PR Manager
(Photo: Business Wire)
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