CPT206 Computer Programming
for Financial Mathematics:
Coursework 1 Task Specification
Thomas Selig
This is the specification task sheet for the Coursework 1 assessment component of your CPT206
module. The task covers all Learning Outcomes, and has a weighting of 15% towards the final
grade for this module. For this assessment, you will solve one practice exercise of your choice each
week from Weeks 8-11, and report on your solution. Your task is described precisely in Section 1.
Detailed submission instructions are provided in Section 2.
1 Task description
Every week, a number of small programming exercises are uploaded to the CPT206 Learning Mall
page (subsection “Additional materials”). From Week 8 to Week 11 (included), you should select
one of these exercises to solve each week (four exercises in total), and write a report on your
solution (four reports in total). The solution should be submitted to the Learning Mall Quiz, and
the accompanying report submitted to the dedicated Learning Mall assignment page (see Section 2
for details). The report should consist of the following four sections.
1. Code solution (25 marks). In this section you should copy-and-paste the entire code
solution to the weekly exercises, as uploaded into the Answer Box on Learning Mall. Please
make sure the code is copied as text into your report, screenshots are not accepted. The
formatting and contents of the code should be identical to the final version submitted to the
Learning Mall. Make a note in this section if your solution did not pass all the tests of the
Learning Mall exercise. Marks will be awarded not just for correctness of the code, but also
for code quality.
2. Code explanation (15 marks). In this section you should provide a brief explanation of
the different parts of your code, and detail how they meet the requirements as laid out in the
exercise specification on Learning Mall.
3. Code development and testing (40 marks). There are no limitations on tools used
to help you develop the code solution. In particular, the use of generative AI is permitted
for code development. In this section of the report, you should explain how you solved the
coding exercise, including any use of generative AI tools or others (for example, by including
screenshots of your conversation with XipuAI). You must however ensure that you have a full
understanding of your code solution, so as to be able to explain it satisfactorily in Section 2
above. In this section, you should also detail the testing you performed on your code. This
should include some test cases not provided in the Learning Mall exercise. Any debugging
that was needed to fix your code should also be included in this section. For example, if your
code initially failed to pass some of the hidden tests on Learning Mall, explain here how you
solved the issue.
4. Personal reflection (20 marks). Finally, your report should include a personal reflection
on your learning experience through completing the coding exercise. Questions that you
may wish to consider could include, but are certainly not limited to, the following. What
knowledge did you gain? How did solving the exercise improve your programming skills? If
desirable, you may refer to specific objectives of that week’s lecture or the wider aims and
learning outcomes of the course itself.
Your report should be typed into e.g. a Word document, using single line spacing and a size
12pt font. If including small pieces of code to demonstrate specific aspects (in Sections 2-4 of the
report), you may wish to distinguish these from your report writing by using a Monospaced font
such as Courrier or similar. The total length of Sections 2 to 4 of the report should not exceed
two pages.
2 Submission instructions
You will submit your report, converted to a PDF file, In the dedicated “Coursework 1 submission”
Assignment activity on the Learning Mall in Weeks 8, 9, 10 and 11. The file will be named
“CPT206_CW1_Week{X}_{StudentID}. You will also submit the actual code solution to the
Learning Mall weekly practice exercise Quiz. For each report, the submission deadline is Sunday,
at 23:59 (China-time), of that week of teaching. So for example, for the Week 8 report, the
deadline is Sunday, 21 April, at 23:59 (China-time). No late submissions will be accepted for
the reports.
While the use of various tools, including generative AI, is permitted in the development of
the code solution, the report must be individual work. Plagiarism (e.g. copying materials
from other sources without proper acknowledgement) is a serious academic offence. Plagiarism and
collusion will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the University Code of
Practice on Academic Integrity. Submitting work created by others, whether paid for or not, is a
serious offence, and will be prosecuted vigorously. The use of generative AI for content generation
is not permitted in the report, other than the code solution presented in Section 1. Such a use
would be considered in breach of the University Code of Practice on Academic Integrity, and dealt
with accordingly.
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