ThreatLocker® Raises $115M Series D to Continue Delivering Zero Trust Endpoint Security to More Orga
Round led by global growth equity firm General Atlantic, along with StepStone Group and the D. E. Shaw group, to accelerate product innovation and increase reach of Zero Trust endpoint security to organizations globally.
ORLANDO, Fla., April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThreatLocker®, a global cybersecurity leader that offers a Zero Trust endpoint security solution, today announced it has raised $115M in Series D funding led by existing investor General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm, with participation from other major investors StepStone Group and the D. E. Shaw group. With the new investment, ThreatLocker® will continue to focus on driving product innovation to bring the power of Zero Trust security to more organizations and accelerating the company’s global expansion.
ThreatLocker® provides organizations with the ability to protect their IT operations with an effective Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity. The product suite provides enterprise-level server and endpoint security by blocking untrusted software, including ransomware, scripts and libraries, and exploits of known and unknown application vulnerabilities through Default Deny Application Control, Ringfencing™, Storage Control, Privileged Access Management, Network Access Control, as well as its new Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) and Managed Detection & Response (MDR) solutions. ThreatLocker® believes that its customers should have complete control over their network and devices, know what is trying to infiltrate their stack, and not live in fear of the next cyberattack. With a powerful security tool suite designed to enable organizations to easily and directly control exactly what applications run on their endpoints, ThreatLocker® customers can rest assured knowing that their businesses are protected using the Zero Trust model framework that protects them from various cyber threats, including unknown malware, ransomware, and exploits for known and unknown vulnerabilities.
ThreatLocker® CEO Danny Jenkins commented, “ThreatLocker has made a huge impact in the industry in driving a least-privilege approach forward over the last few years and has introduced new EDR and MDR products within a single cybersecurity platform for our customers. We believe this new injection of capital will enable us to continue to develop Zero Trust products and grow ThreatLocker's market presence. We are very excited to be partnering again with General Atlantic, as well as with new investors, StepStone Group & the D. E. Shaw group, and look forward to leveraging their teams' deep experience in bringing products to market and scaling technologically-disruptive businesses.”
To add to this, ThreatLocker® COO Sami Jenkins commented, “We are thrilled to extend our partnerships with General Atlantic and look forward to working with StepStone and the D. E. Shaw group.”
The new investment follows another year of growth as ThreatLocker® doubled its revenue and added 50% to its workforce. Today, ThreatLocker® has thousands of partners and protects over 50,000 organizations. Serving companies who are serious about security, ThreatLocker® partners with Enterprises and Managed Service Providers (and MSSPs), including many financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and airlines such as Emirates and JetBlue Airways.
Gary Reiner, Operating Partner at General Atlantic, continued, “ThreatLocker effectively takes the guesswork out of threat detection with its Zero Trust approach. As companies of all sizes increasingly focus on filling in gaps in their security stacks, Zero Trust is becoming a necessity – and we view ThreatLocker as an emerging leader in this paradigm shift. We are thrilled to further our partnership with the team to accelerate ThreatLocker’s growth as an endpoint security disruptor.”
About ThreatLocker®
ThreatLocker® is a global cybersecurity leader, providing enterprise-level Zero Trust cybersecurity tools to improve the security of servers and endpoints. Founded in 2017 by Danny Jenkins, Sami Jenkins, and John Carolan, ThreatLocker® now serves thousands of organizations globally and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida, USA. For more information, visit:
About General Atlantic
General Atlantic is a leading global growth investor with more than four decades of experience providing capital and strategic support for over 520 growth companies throughout its history. Established in 1980 to partner with visionary entrepreneurs and deliver lasting impact, the firm combines a collaborative global approach, sector-specific expertise, a long-term investment horizon, and a deep understanding of growth drivers to partner with great entrepreneurs and management teams to scale innovative businesses around the world. General Atlantic has approximately $84 billion in assets under management inclusive of all products as of March 31, 2024, and more than 300 investment professionals based in New York, Amsterdam, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, London, Mexico City, Miami, Mumbai, Munich, San Francisco, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Stamford and Tel Aviv. For more information on General Atlantic, please visit:
About The D. E. Shaw Group
The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than $60 billion in investment capital as of March 1, 2024, and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Since our founding in 1988, our firm has earned a reputation for successful investing based on innovation, careful risk management, and the quality and depth of our staff. We have a significant presence in the world's capital markets, investing in a wide range of companies and financial instruments in both developed and developing economies. For more information, visit
Media Contacts
Spencer Ford
(689) 217-4246
General Atlantic
Emily Japlon & Sara Widmann
The D. E. Shaw group
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