Yacht Club Monaco: Sea Index tool deployed in 15 Côte d’Azur harbours and marinas
TURIN, Italy, June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fifteen harbours and marinas located in a triangle between Menton, Saint-Tropez and Bonifacio in Corsica, have confirmed that they are keen to apply the SEA Index to their infrastructure. The tool launched in 2020 by the Yacht Club de Monaco as part of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach, represents a benchmark to assess CO2 emissions of yachts over 25 metres. On the 40th anniversary of his presidency at the helm of Yacht Club de Monaco, HSH Prince Albert II hailed the success of the SEA Index®, that was recently awarded the CAPENERGIES label as a reliable non-biased tool for owners and stakeholders concerned about the carbon footprint of pleasure boats.
"The SEA Index has become an essential tool. And I would like us now to go even further by measuring other greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution which is a major concern," said HSH Prince Albert II. With this announcement, it’s clear an extended harbour-marina network is committed to more sustainable organisation and towards the environmental transition of the territory. "This collaboration marks recognition of the work accomplished by the SEA Index since its launch. Our aim is to federate harbours and marinas across the Mediterranean and beyond by creating a network of committed territories,” said Bernard d’Alessandri Yacht Club de Monaco General Secretary.
Deployment of the rating system in 15 harbours and marinas in the Mediterranean basin is an opportunity to respond to growth in yachting notably in the Sud region, which every year attracts over half the world’s fleet of 30+ metre yachts, a figure that has increased six-fold in 35 years. According to a study by Earthcase, instigated by the Regional Tourism Committee, the yachting sector in the Sud region has a big impact on the economy of €1.1 billion and 10,200 jobs, with the technical ecosystem contributing €438 million and 3,600 jobs, and the tourism component €663 million employing 6,600 people. With this certification and its index, these harbours and marinas will be able to allocate berths, particularly in high season, to boats with the least impact. Through this new collaboration the SEA Index plans to ramp up its policy to raise awareness of owners by involving as many stakeholders as possible in the yachting industry.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/f7ea247d-f9cc-4f82-afd9-041d82e825c2
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