OSL Wins Best Digital Assets Service Provider at HFM Asia Services Awards 2024
HONG KONG, July 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - OSL, a leading regulated digital asset platform and the subsidiary of OSL Group (863.HK) - Hong Kong’s only publicly listed company fully dedicated to digital assets is proud to announce its recognition as the Best Digital Assets Service Provider at the HFM Asia Services Awards 2024. This accolade underscores OSL's dedication to security, compliance and innovation, affirming its role as a trusted leader in the global digital assets market.
The HFM Asia Services Awards, presented by With Intelligence, are among the most prestigious in the hedge fund and digital asset sectors. It recognises excellence and innovation, offering industry-wide acknowledgement to top-performing funds and service providers in the competitive financial landscape.
Ryan Miller, Managing Director and Head of Sales at OSL Digital Securities, remarked at the award ceremony, "Winning this HFM service award highlights OSL's leadership in providing digital asset trading and custody services to both traditional financial firms and digital asset-native corporate clients. We are excited to continue pushing boundaries and introducing innovative solutions as firms take their first steps into this space."
Patrick Pan, Chairman of the Board & CEO of OSL, shared, "With our long-standing license to operate a VATP in Hong Kong, OSL continues to lead the digital assets landscape. We're committed to continue expanding our offerings, enhancing partnerships, and meeting global market needs as we shape the future of digital finance."
At the forefront of the digital asset revolution, OSL delivers cutting-edge services tailored to its diverse clientele's evolving needs. OSL's commitment to excellence is evident in its SOC 2 Type 2 compliance and Big Four audits, setting a new benchmark for financial and operational standards in the industry.
To learn more about OSL, please visit osl.com
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