Horticulture Co and Karate Combat Announce Strategic Beverage Partnership
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Horticulture Co, a leading innovator in the Hemp-derived Cannabis and functional products industry, and Karate Combat, the premier professional karate league, are pleased to announce a significant partnership aimed at enhancing the performance and well-being of athletes and fans alike. Under this partnership, Horticulture’s diverse portfolio of brands will serve as KC’s exclusive official Hemp and Functional beverage category partner.
This collaboration marks a pivotal moment for both entities, leveraging Horticulture’s expertise in botanical solutions and KC’s dedication to the advancement of combat sports. As the official partner in the Hemp and Functional beverage category, Horticulture Co will provide KC athletes and audience worldwide with access to cutting-edge products designed to support their health, wellness, and overall performance.
"Horticulture is thrilled to partner with Karate Combat, a forward-thinking organization that shares our commitment to innovation and excellence," said Saf Sadiq, CEO of Horticulture Co. "Our range of hemp-derived and functional products are crafted with the utmost care and precision, offering healthy alternatives to support a positive lifestyle. We look forward to collaborating closely with KC and contributing to the success of their athletes and the entire KC Community at large."
KC, known for its groundbreaking approach to martial arts competition, sees this partnership as a strategic move to enhance the resources available to its fighters and be cutting edge in scope. "At KC, we are dedicated to providing our athletes with the best possible support and resources," said Peter Vesey, CCO of Karate Combat. "Partnering with Horticulture allows us to offer innovative products that align with our commitment to excellence and the well-being of our athletes and enjoyment of our viewers."
Through this collaboration, both Horticulture Co and KC aim to set new standards in sports performance and wellness, leveraging the power of natural ingredients and scientific innovation on a global scale.
For more information on Horticulture Co and their range of products, please visit https://thecurebrand.com/
For more information on Karate Combat and their upcoming events, please visit www.karate.com
About CÜRE Brand: Created to meet the modern needs of CBD consumers. With a foundation rooted in beverage and pharmaceutical formulation, CÜRE's proprietary blend of CBD & functional herbs help to achieve multiple levels of energy, relaxation, relief, and sleep. Our goal at CÜRE is to focus on specific need states and combine high quality CBD with additional functional ingredients to get the most efficacy out of our products.
About Tempter’s: A mysterious and alluring elixir that gives a new look to cannabis seltzers. Be Tempted, be satisfied, and join the movement to lose the booze.
About Karate Combat:
Karate Combat is the world's premier full-contact striking league and the first sports governed and gamified by a token. The league broadcasts live in immersive CGI environments powered by Unreal Engine. Karate Combat's content is served to over 120 countries worldwide and concurrently streamed without a paywall on Karate.com and most streaming services. Former UFC heavyweight champion and KC Chairman Bas Rutten hosts events alongside Georges St-Pierre, Lyoto Machida, Stephen “Wonderboy” Thompson, and “Big Mike” Majlak. The league is owned by the Sensei Sports LLC, a Dubai, UAE Company.
Tune into Karate.com on July 25 to watch KC 48 live from Nashville, TN.
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