Integrated Power Services Acquires Assets of ABB Industrial Services Business
Acquisition Adds Electric Motor, Generator, Mechanical, Switchgear & Circuit Breaker Service Centers to IPS's Growing North American Network
GREENVILLE, S.C., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Integrated Power Services (IPS), a North American leader in the servicing, engineering, and remanufacturing of electrical, mechanical, and power management systems, has finalized the acquisition of ABB's Industrial Services business, effective August 31, 2024. With locations in Arizona, Indiana, North Carolina, Alberta, and Ontario, ABB Industrial Services provides the highest-quality repair and field service capabilities for electric motors up to 50,000 HP and low- and medium-voltage switchgear equipment from 480V to 15kV. These service centers also perform rotating equipment repair of pumps, compressors, blowers, bearings, gearboxes, and OHV mining drivetrains.
“This acquisition will permit IPS to add locations where customers have urged us to offer services” said John Zuleger, IPS President and CEO. “These five locations will enhance our capabilities in renewables, copper mining, and power management aftermarket industrial services. Additionally, IPS will now be the home of 115 additional talented employees, and the legacy technology and expertise from the General Electric and ABB heritage of these newly acquired sites.”
The acquisition of ABB Industrial Services follows IPS's acquisition of ABB's hydrogenerator and transformer repair business in June 2022. The five ABB electric motor, generator, mechanical, switchgear, and circuit breaker industrial service centers were a part of a General Electric Industrial Solutions acquisition by ABB in June 2018.
“IPS has grown to 88 locations, serving the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and the Caribbean,” said Zuleger. “IPS aspires to become the single source, trusted advisor for our customers' critical infrastructure challenges. With service offerings that span from power generation and industrial processes, to substations and transmission, to electrical balance of plant and electric motors, IPS delivers the widest range of services and is able to solve problems few providers can. We are committed to revolutionizing reliability, as we advance our vision and ability to respond, rethink, and resolve our customer's biggest reliability challenges.”
About Integrated Power Services (IPS)
Integrated Power Services (IPS) is a leading provider of service, engineering, and remanufacturing for electrical, mechanical, and power management systems. With a focus on industry-specific expertise and a comprehensive range of capabilities, IPS supports critical infrastructure across a wide range of customers. Headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina, IPS operates the largest network in the industry, with service and distribution centers, field offices, and strategically located warehouses across North America, the United Kingdom, and the Caribbean. Each IPS location is equipped to respond, rethink, and resolve complex challenges, offering access to an extensive global talent pool and resources for seamless, single-source solutions. To learn more, visit
For immediate release
Media contact: Casey Blevins, VP of Marketing or 864.451.5617
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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