Moment Factory Speeds Up Its Global Expansion With An Ambitious Growth Plan
Moment Factory Launches New Division to Distribute Original Ticketed Attractions Worldwide
Montreal, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Moment Factory, a global leader in multimedia entertainment, is set to redefine the immersive experience industry with a dynamic growth plan that leverages both custom-designed productions and a portfolio of ticketed signature experiences. With the immersive experience market projected by Grand View Research to reach nearly $100 billion annually and expected to grow at a rate of 24.6% per year, Moment Factory is poised to meet the demand across all settings—whether indoor or outdoor, day or night, permanent or temporary.
For over 23 years, Moment Factory has been at the forefront of the entertainment landscape, crafting unforgettable location-based experiences across the globe. With more than 550 productions to its name, the studio blends video, lighting, architecture, interactivity, sound, and special effects to create compelling and magical moments that resonate deeply with audiences. As the company embarks on this next phase of growth, it will continue to push the boundaries of creativity and technology to foster human connections in innovative ways.
Moment Factory Originals: Ticketed Attractions with Global Appeal
Moment Factory Originals are a library of proven immersive experiences that have already captivated global audiences and achieved significant commercial success, with more than 7 million tickets sold in over 30 locations. These original ticketed attractions (detailed below) are designed to drive on-site traffic, transform locations into destinations, elevate brand visibility, and generate substantial revenue streams. A prime example is the Lumina Night Walk series, which has been deployed in over 20 locations in less than a decade, and will launch close to 10 new productions worldwide in the next 3 months.
With the rising demand for immersive multimedia environments, Moment Factory is preparing to launch numerous original ticketed attractions over the next five years. To achieve this, the studio is creating a new division that will specialize in the distribution of these experiences. This dedicated team will collaborate directly with promoters, operators, and venue owners to efficiently produce and market these proven experiences, ensuring swift and effective distribution on a global scale.
Sakchin Bessette, Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director of Moment Factory, added, “It’s incredibly exciting to see how Moment Factory Originals will allow us to reach and inspire even more people globally. By working closely with promoters, operators, and venue owners, we will continue to generate awe-inspiring immersive moments that resonate with audiences. Staying true to our mission, ‘’We do it in Public’’, we continue to focus on gathering people together in a way that sparks connection and inspire humans everywhere.’’
Moment Factory Custom Experiences: Innovating Across Eight Market Segments
Moment Factory’s talented teams continue to offer custom scalable services designed to engage audiences, connect people, and forge unforgettable memories. From live performances to permanent installations, these scalable and programmable experiences are meticulously crafted to respond to clients’ needs and meet the unique demands of any environment, with a 360° approach that ensures seamless production. Since its inception in 2001, Moment Factory has developed deep expertise across 8 key market segments: themed entertainment, cultural & educational, transportation hubs, public spaces, hospitality & leisure, brand activations & events, concerts & shows, and sports entertainment (detailed below). In recent years, it has structured its project teams around these individual markets, in order to efficiently and holistically address the unique client objectives within them.
Dominic Audet, Co-Founder and Chief of Innovation of Moment Factory, stated, “Moment Factory has always been on a quest to push the boundaries of possibility and create new forms of experience, and we’ve been privileged to have many clients join us on that journey. From rockstars to real estate developers, we collaborate with people who are interested in innovating. Our passion is for finding an unexpected blend of creativity and technology – this is how we empower our clients to reach their own innovation objectives.”
Partnerships: The Key to Expansive Growth
At the core of Moment Factory's expansion strategy is the belief in the power of collaboration. The company understands that creating truly transformative experiences requires not just creativity and technology but also strong partnerships with promoters, operators, venue owners, clients and other key stakeholders.
To further support its ambitious growth plan, Moment Factory has decided to open its capital for the first time and is pleased to welcome Financière Outremont, a family office from Montreal, as a minority shareholder in the company. This will contribute to Moment Factory’s expansion, bringing its vision for the future of immersive experiences to life on an even larger scale.
About Moment Factory
Moment Factory is a global multidisciplinary live entertainment studio that sparks human connections in the most innovative ways through its Custom Experiences and Original ticketed attractions. Its team combines specializations in video, lighting, architecture, sound, and special effects to create remarkable experiences. Headquartered in Montreal, the studio also has other addresses in Tokyo, Paris, New York City and Singapore. Since its inception in 2001, Moment Factory has created more than 550 unique projects worldwide, including the Lumina Night Walks, the AURA series, and more recently, The Messi Experience and several projects at Sphere in Las Vegas. Productions include such clients as Universal Studios, FIFA, Madonna, Disney, Billie Eilish, Meow Wolf, Moët et Chandon, the Boston Museum of Science, Microsoft, Sony, and Changi Airport Group.
- NIGHT WALKS - Engaging and enchanting outdoor storyworlds like Lumina, Astra Lumina, Light Cycles and Winter’s Dream that transform sites into evening attractions, diversifying revenue streams and attracting broader visitor demographics.
- HERITAGE SITES - Awe-inspiring immersive experiences, such as Aura that allow cultural sites and landmarks to reinvent themselves in an Innovative way all while respecting their rich heritage.
- BRAND STORYWORLDS - Immersive multiroom journeys based on exclusive IP and brands, these experiences are designed to expand audiences and deepen engagement in both touring and permanent contexts.
- DIGITAL ART EXPERIENCES - Uniquely crafted experiences, like Miroir Miroir and Superreal that fuse art and interactivity. These multisensorial journeys can be permanent or touring attractions.
- AUGMENTED GAMES - Innovative entertainment offerings that live at the intersection of sports and video games, aimed at increasing dwell time, driving revenue, and engaging audiences in commercial spaces.
- THEMED ENTERTAINMENT - Themed entertainment worlds in theme parks, water parks and other locations that leverage premium IPs to tell stories, capture the imagination, and transport visitors on immersive journeys.
- CULTURAL & EDUCATIONAL - Innovative cultural and educational experiences that harness multimedia to support meaningful emotion-driven storytelling and engaging experiential learning.
- TRANSPORTATION HUBS - World-class transportation hubs (airports, train stations, etc.) become iconic destinations with multimedia environments that elevate the passenger journey, every step of the way.
- PUBLIC SPACES - Public and workspaces are transformed with innovative multimedia to create memorable experiences that empower individuals, foster engagement, and elevate daily life.
- HOSPITALITY & LEISURE - Elevating the guest journey and redefine destination identity with unforgettable, iconic experiences that set new standards that raises visitors satisfaction.
- SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT - Transforming sports venues and activations into immersive experiences that resonate with fans and visitors. Through our dynamic activations, these spaces get people into the game, by cultivating play and interactivity.
- BRAND ACTIVATIONS & EVENTS - Turning branded events into unforgettable experiential marketing moments that resonate deeply with audiences.
- CONCERTS & SHOWS - Creating once-in-a-lifetime connections between artists and their fans through multimedia magic
Maïté Godin - Public Relations Manager Moment Factory 1-514-843-8433 ext 113
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