Meltwater Expands Partnership with Reddit, Providing Full Access to Extended Firehose
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a leading global provider of media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces the expansion of its partnership with Reddit, one of the internet’s largest sources of information with 100,000+ active communities and ~91+ million daily active unique visitors. This strategic collaboration will grant Meltwater customers full access to Reddit's extended firehose, enabling them to tap into the vast wealth of public conversations and insights happening on the platform.
For years, Meltwater has been delivering valuable content on Reddit to its customers, recognizing the platform's growing significance as a source of authentic and meaningful discussions. With this enhanced partnership, Meltwater aims to deepen and expand its access to Reddit content and metadata, further empowering its customers with actionable intelligence on their brand, competitors, consumers and trending topics.
"We have been providing Reddit content to our customers for many years, and this expansion of our partnership is a testament to our view of the increasing importance of Reddit as a platform," said John Box, CEO of Meltwater. "We believe that the genuine conversations happening on Reddit are a vital source of intelligence for our customers, and we are excited to deepen and expand our access to Reddit content and metadata through this partnership."
Reddit, known for its diverse and engaged user base, hosts a wide range of discussions on various topics, making it a valuable resource for businesses and organizations seeking to understand consumer sentiment, track trends, and identify emerging opportunities. By leveraging Reddit's extended firehose, Meltwater customers will gain unparalleled access to near real-time conversations, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
"Our partnership with Meltwater empowers their customers to incorporate the most relevant, engaged, and authentic online conversations into their marketing intelligence strategies,” said Jonathan Flesher, VP of Business Development and Partnerships at Reddit. “Reddit’s contextually-rich discussions help brands and businesses understand how people feel, stay on top of trends, and constructively contribute to Reddit communities."
Meltwater's media and social intelligence platform, combined with Reddit's extensive user-generated content, will provide organizations with a comprehensive view of their brand's online presence and reputation. By harnessing the power of Reddit's firehose, Meltwater customers can uncover valuable insights, monitor industry discussions, and engage with their target audience more effectively.
This expanded partnership between Meltwater and Reddit reflects a shared commitment to delivering actionable intelligence and empowering organizations to make informed decisions. With full access to Reddit's extended firehose, Meltwater customers can unlock the true potential of social analytics and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business environment.
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
About Meltwater:
Meltwater is a leading provider of media intelligence and social analytics solutions. With a global presence spanning over 30 countries, Meltwater helps companies make better, more informed decisions based on insights from the outside. Thousands of businesses rely on Meltwater's AI-powered platform to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth. For more information, visit
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