PPA Asia and MLP Asia Set to Launch, Bringing World-Class Pro Pickleball to the World's Most Po
Dallas, TX, USA, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Professional Pickleball Association (PPA Tour) and Major League Pickleball (MLP) are thrilled to announce the formation of PPA Asia and MLP Asia – in a significant milestone for the highest level of pickleball on a global scale. Asia joins the roster of regions hosting premier pickleball events and competitions for both professionals and amateurs.
“Asia has a rich tradition of racket sports, and we are excited to contribute to its sports culture with the arrival of pickleball,” said Connor Pardoe, Founder and CEO of the PPA Tour. “With growing enthusiasm for the sport across the region, we see immense potential to bring the world's premier pickleball brands to Asian audiences through PPA Asia and MLP Asia. This is a massive moment for global pickleball and we're excited to continue to lead the charge.
PPA and MLP Asia will bring their premier brands to major Asian markets, including China, Vietnam, Japan and Singapore. Set to launch in 2025, PPA Tour Asia will feature iconic venues and culminate in an October marquee event, uniting top pros from Asia, the United States and other regions from around the globe. MLP Asia will debut in 2025/2026, bringing franchised team play and establishing domestic leagues that will drive the sport's local presence and excitement. The new venture will be led by Managing Director Kimberly Koh, the former Partnerships Director at World Table Tennis with 13 years of sports marketing experience in the region.
“As an athlete born in Vietnam and achieving success on the PPA Tour and Major League Pickleball in the United States, I see the impact these organizations have on growing the game,” said Quang Duong, the highest-ranked Asian-born player on the PPA Tour and MLP. “With the passion for racket sports already established in the region, this is a huge moment for pickleball to explode across Asia and globally.”
“Bringing the highest level of professional pickleball to the world's largest continent is an amazing opportunity to grow both the pro and amateur games,” said PPA Tour World No.1 (Doubles/Mixed) Ben Johns. “I look forward to connecting with fans across Asia and spreading the joy of the sport in the region.”
Anna Bright, MVP of MLP and a top-ranked PPA Tour player added, “The growth of pickleball in the United States has been amazing, and now we have the opportunity to bring the top tour and league in the sport to Asia – I know fans and players in the region will love pickleball just as much as we do.”
Since its founding in 2019, the PPA Tour has become the ultimate stage for pickleball, securing exclusive contracts with the world's best players and inviting amateurs to “Play Where the Pros Play” - competing in the same venues. Founded in 2020, MLP offers a unique, exciting, team-based format that has attracted high-profile owners such as LeBron James, Naomi Osaka, Jeremy Lin, and Heidi Klum.
About PPA Asia and MLP Asia
PPA and MLP Asia are dedicated to expanding the highest level of the sport of pickleball across Asia, focusing on developing professional talent and engaging new fans and players. Through world-class events, elite training, and partnerships, the organization aims to position pickleball as a leading sport across the region.
For any partnerships or media enquiries, please contact media@upa-asia.com
About Carvana PPA Tour:
Founded in 2019, the Carvana PPA Tour is where pickleball's top athletes go head-to-head to determine the best male and female players in the world. The Carvana PPA Tour organizes and conducts tournaments at world-class facilities across the country, establishes player rankings, and showcases the world's best pickleball week in and week out. Inviting amateur players to also compete and “play where the pros play,” the Carvana PPA Tour offers divisions for every age group and skill level. Characterized by a uniquely festive and fun atmosphere, Carvana PPA Tour events deliver unparalleled experiences for fans on-site, including pro player meet-and-greets, clinics, food, beverages, live entertainment, giveaways, games, shopping, and VIP upgrades. For more information, go to www.ppatour.com, and follow us on social: Twitter/X, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn.
About MLP by Margaritaville
MLP by Margaritaville (Major League Pickleball) is the preeminent team-based professional pickleball league, featuring over 100 of the best athletes across 24 teams, a unique coed format, easy to understand scoring, iconic team owners, and the most electric live events and fan experience in the sport. Founded in 2021, MLP named its first-ever title sponsor, Margaritaville, branding the league MLP by Margaritaville in December 2022. For more information on Major League Pickleball, visit the official website and follow MLP on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
Jeff Watson
PPA Tour and Major League Pickleball
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