Harbert Management Corporation included in the 2024 Pensions & Investments Best Places to Work i
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are excited to share that Harbert Management Corporation (“HMC”) has been voted one of the Best Places to Work in Money Management for the sixth consecutive year.
Presented by Pensions & Investments, the global news source of money management and institutional investing, the survey and recognition program is dedicated to identifying and recognizing the best employers in the money management industry.
HMC is dedicated to serving our clients, our partners, and our communities. For over 30 years, HMC has prioritized long-term relationships, understanding that success is built on trust, shared goals, and responsible investing. Our employees and stakeholders are committed to our core values and to our investors, ensuring every decision is backed by disciplined analysis, transparency, bold strategy, and a strong sense of responsibility.
“Pensions & Investments is proud to honor the Best Places to Work in Money Management. A strong workplace culture that supports talent, advocates progress and drives innovation is paramount to driving the best outcomes and these asset managers demonstrate that. Congratulations to the 2024 honorees for their commitment to employee well-being, attractive incentive structures and talent development that demonstrate how investing in your employees can elevate our industry to greater heights,” said P&I President and Publisher Nikki Pirrello.
HMC President and COO, Travis Pritchett noted, “HMC is honored to receive this award for the sixth consecutive year. Our exceptional employees and vibrant corporate culture are at the core of everything we do. Excellence and innovation drives us to create lasting value for our stakeholders. We continue to strive to attract, motivate and develop top talent in a collaborative and supportive work environment.”
Pensions & Investments partnered with Workforce Research Group, a research firm specializing in identifying great places to work, to conduct a two-part survey process of employers and their employees. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 20% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 80% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies.
About Harbert Management Corporation
HMC is a privately owned alternative asset management firm formed in 1993 to sponsor alternative asset investment funds. HMC has approximately $8.3 billion in Regulatory Assets Under Management as of November 30, 2024. HMC serves a variety of institutional investors across multiple asset classes. Investment strategies include European and U.S. real estate, seniors housing, growth capital, credit solutions, infrastructure, and absolute return funds. For additional information about HMC, visit www.harbert.net.
Contact: Tate Maddox
Corporate Communications
Telephone: 205.987.5500
E-mail: tmaddox@harbert.net
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