SportBusiness: Sponsorship Works Award to Capgemini for Ryder Cup partnership
LONDON, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The award aims to recognise the most creative and impactful sponsorship activations in the international sports landscape
Capgemini's sponsorship campaign for the latest edition of the Ryder Cup has won the inaugural Sponsorship Works Award from SportBusiness. Capgemini is a global partner of the Ryder Cup until 2027. ‘Outcome IQ', part of the company's innovative technology-based sponsorship activation at the most prestigious team golf tournament, was selected through a public vote among three finalists.
The customised tool, which combines artificial intelligence (AI) with in-depth knowledge of the game, provided a comprehensive analysis of play, enabling fans to review past player performances and predict how different team pairings might play out during the actual competition. SportBusiness launched the Sponsorship Works Award last year to recognise the most creative and innovative sponsorship activations in the global sports industry.
Sponsorship Works Award: A prize for innovation
Capgemini's campaign outperformed strong competition from a targeted Paddy Power campaign at the World Darts Championship and an initiative by Orange France and Havas Play at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Capgemini was supported by the agency rEvolution, as well as internal partnership and technology teams from the Ryder Cup, in launching ‘Outcome IQ'.
The SportBusiness Sponsorship editorial team and event partner SponsorLab selected the top three activations based on criteria such as ‘creativity and innovation' and ‘performance against results,' while also considering other, less tangible qualities. SponsorLab is an online performance management platform designed to help brands, agencies and rights holders establish more effective partnerships.
A model example of technological integration in sport
The company's founder and CEO, Bruce Cook, shared his critical perspective on the winner, seeing it as a highly successful example of technological integration. “It's really difficult to create a new piece of tech that isn't just a gimmick but is meaningful for both the fans and the media, especially with something like the Ryder Cup where all the focus is on the red and blue scores,” he said.
He then added: “Capgemini's AI-powered ‘Outcome IQ' probability graphics featured 41 times in the broadcast coverage and only had a contractual obligation for 15 times. That says it really enhanced the broadcasts while achieving a huge reach in terms of media exposure. Their external PR and digital content also proved incredibly effective alongside a strong staff engagement programme. A very comprehensive campaign,” he added.
The judging panel shortlisted candidates from 27 different case studies published by SportBusiness Sponsorship in 2024. These case studies provided a detailed analysis of the planning, execution and results of some of the most innovative campaigns delivered by agencies and rights holders across the industry.
The future of Sponsorship Works
SportBusiness Sponsorship is already publishing case studies for consideration for the 2025 Sponsorship Works Award.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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