JT Group Recognized on CDP’s “Climate Change A List” For the 6th Consecutive Year
Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) (TSE: 2914) has been recognized for its leadership in corporate sustainability by the global environmental non-profit organization CDP, for the sixth year in a row. The JT Group is one of the companies to be included on the Climate Change A List, out of more than 24,800 companies participating in the 2024 CDP environmental disclosure program. The JT Group achieved a place on CDP's prestigious "A List" for tackling climate change for the sixth consecutive year.
We believe that as nature, society, and people’s lives are intertwined, sustaining our ways of living, and the activities of corporate entities, will depend on the sustainability of the environment and societies in which we live. In pursuing the 4S model, JT Group’s management principle, and by realizing the JT Group Purpose, the Company ensures to contribute to the sustainability of the environment and society, through its commitment to working on the material issues identified. As a part of the ecosystem, the JT Group has identified ‘Living with the Planet’ as one of the JT Group Materiality, and we have set the JT Group Sustainability Targets as specific goals and initiatives.
Hisato Imokawa, Senior Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, said: "We are honored that the JT Group has been recognized on CDP’s A List for the sixth consecutive year. This inclusion reflects our ongoing efforts to preserve ecosystems and enhance our transparency in sharing information. To fulfill the JT Group purpose of "Fulfilling Moments, Enriching Life", we will continue to pursue our vision of sustainability and maintain the trust of our stakeholders by enhancing our efforts that are distinctive of the JT Group in collaboration with our suppliers.”
Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) is a global company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It is listed on the primary section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (ticker: 2914.T). JT Group has approximately 53,000 employees and 62 factories worldwide, operating in three business segments: tobacco, pharmaceutical, and processed food. Within the tobacco business, the largest segment, products are sold in over 130 markets and its flagship brands include Winston, Camel, MEVIUS, and LD. The Group is committed to investing in Reduced-Risk Products and markets its heated tobacco products under its Ploom brand.
Consumers, shareholders, employees, and society are the four stakeholder groups (4S) at the heart of all of JT Group's activities. Inspired by its “Fulfilling Moment, Enriching Life” purpose, the Group aims to ensure sustainable and valuable contributions to its stakeholders over the long term. In addition to our three business segments, this goal is also supported by D-LAB, the JT Group’s corporate R&D initiative, set up to search and create added-value business opportunities. For more information, visit https://www.jt.com/.
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