Cority Integrates Arcadia’s Platform to Automate Utility Data for ESG Compliance
New collaboration empowers organizations with scalable, automated utility data collection
TORONTO, Feb. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cority, the global leader in enterprise Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) and Sustainability software, has announced a strategic partnership with Arcadia, the industry leader in utility data and energy management solutions. This collaboration enables Cority customers to leverage Arcadia’s expansive data platform, reducing manual processes and enhancing the quality of sustainability reporting across large enterprises.
The integration aligns Arcadia’s utility data platform with CorityOne, the company’s comprehensive and integrated EHS and sustainability SaaS-based ecosystem, creating a powerful solution for organizations managing complex energy portfolios. By automating data acquisition, cleansing, and standardization, the partnership empowers sustainability, energy management, and compliance teams to focus on strategic initiatives rather than labor-intensive manual data entry processes.
Simplifying sustainability reporting: Accurate energy data at scale
The Arcadia partnership unlocks easy access to accurate global energy data for Cority customers. Arcadia’s platform leverages AI-driven processes to clean and fill data gaps and draws on insights from a database of over three million utility accounts. The company’s global data coverage encompasses more than 9,500 utility data providers — including electric, gas, water, and more — in 52 countries, and over 95% of residential and commercial accounts in the US.
The breadth of utility data from Arcadia and ease of integration with Cority ensures companies can meet complex and ever-changing regulatory requirements seamlessly, including reasonable assurance standards under the EU’s CSRD regulation and the IFRS-S2 climate-related disclosures.
“Large organizations often struggle with fragmented data collection, whether it’s keyed in manually or pulled from inconsistent spreadsheets,” said Alex Hardwick, director of sustainability, planning and enablement at Cority. “With Arcadia, our customers now have access to a scalable, automated solution that ensures reliable, traceable data for sustainability reporting and energy management. It’s a game changer for companies with extensive site networks.”
CorityOne: A unified ecosystem for sustainability data management
CorityOne’s unified ecosystem is built on the principles of interoperability and integration, allowing organizations to consolidate their sustainability and EHS data in one platform. By partnering with Arcadia, Cority strengthens its ability to deliver a comprehensive data management solution that streamlines processes, improves accuracy, and eliminates silos.
“Organizations are under growing pressure to deliver accurate sustainability reports, but many are still relying on manual data collection processes that are time-intensive, prone to error, and often limited to a one-time annual exercise,” said Curtis Snyder, SVP & GM at Arcadia. “Cority’s focus on EHS and sustainability provides the perfect foundation for a single source of truth. By combining Arcadia’s automated utility data capabilities with Cority’s unified ecosystem, we’re helping enterprises move beyond static reporting to ongoing visibility into their resource usage and carbon impact—enabling smarter decision-making and streamlined reporting.”
With this partnership, Cority customers gain access to a scalable and automated approach for managing utility data. Arcadia’s robust platform seamlessly integrates with CorityOne, enabling customers to link utility accounts across thousands of locations and directly feed standardized data into the system. This eliminates time-consuming manual data entry and provides organizations with a centralized, actionable view of their energy consumption and emissions, further streamlining the reporting process.
About Cority
Cority gives every employee from the field to the boardroom the power to make a difference, reducing risks and creating a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world. For over 35 years, Cority’s people-first software solutions have been built by EHS and sustainability experts who know the pressures businesses face. Time-tested, scalable, and configurable, CorityOne is the responsible business platform that combines datasets from across the organization to enable improved efficiencies, actionable insights, data-driven decisions, and more accurate reporting on performance. Trusted by over 1,500 organizations worldwide, Cority deeply cares about helping people work toward a better future for everyone. To learn more, visit
About Arcadia
Arcadia is the global utility data and energy solutions platform. With our leading data platform, AI-powered analytics, industry expertise, and expansive partner network, we deliver solutions for every stage of the enterprise energy management lifecycle across carbon, cost, and reliability. Arcadia also manages the nation’s leading community solar program.
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Natalie Rizk
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