Amlan International to Showcase Science-Backed Feed Additives for Gut Health and Production Efficien
CHICAGO, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, a global leader in mineral-based animal health solutions, will exhibit at VIV Asia 2025, taking place March 12–14 at IMPACT in Bangkok, Thailand. This premier industry event will welcome over 47,000 attendees and 200 expert speakers from across the animal protein production sector.
At booth 2-2842, Amlan’s leadership, technical experts and regional sales team will showcase its innovative natural feed additives, including Phylox®, Calibrin®-Z, and Varium® (available in select international markets). These products are designed to optimize gut health, mitigate disease challenges, improve feed efficiency, and enhance poultry and livestock performance.
“Asia plays a vital role in the global food supply, producing about 60% of the world’s poultry, including eggs. In 2022, the region generated over 155 million tons of meat, making it a key contributor to global protein. Amlan is dedicated to supporting producers with science-backed, natural feed additives that enhance efficiency,” said Dr. Michael Hua, Regional Director for the Asia-Pacific Region. “Our solutions help producers overcome challenges and achieve long-term success in a competitive market.”
Dr. Wade Robey, President of Amlan International, added, “Amlan’s mineral technology stands out with its unique composition and proprietary processing, enhancing its ability to bind a broad spectrum of toxins while supporting animal performance. At VIV Asia, we look forward to engaging with producers to demonstrate how Calibrin-Z effectively binds toxins and how Phylox offers a proven, natural solution for combating coccidiosis —helping producers achieve more efficient and profitable production.”
“Coccidiosis continues to be a significant challenge for poultry producers across Southeast Asia, with Eimeria detected on a significant number of farms,” said Jayson Fernandez, Regional Sales Manager, APAC at Amlan. “Studies have shown its presence in up to 43.2% of samples from Philippine poultry farms, 34% of broiler farms in Indonesia, and 80% of commercial farms in Vietnam. The economic impact of this disease is substantial, affecting growth rates, feed efficiency, and overall bird health. These findings highlight the urgent need for effective prevention and control strategies, including natural solutions like Phylox, to help producers protect flock health and improve productivity without relying on traditional anticoccidial drugs.”
Expert Presentations & Captured Demonstrations
Amlan will host a series of presentations and demonstrations, offering attendees valuable education on their natural alternatives for disease management and performance enhancement.
Featured Presentation: Phylox : Natural Alternative to Control Coccidiosis and Improve Intestinal Integrity.
This insightful seminar, hosted by Dr. Aldo Rossi, VP of Innovation and Technical Services, will explore the synergistic effects of Phylox's natural ingredients in defending against both coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis. Dr. Rossi will highlight the key modes of action that disrupt the complex Eimeria lifecycle to combat coccidiosis and illustrate how Phylox, combined with an effective biotoxin binder, helps protect birds from toxins produced by Clostridium perfringens. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how this powerful formulation offers a comprehensive defense for poultry production.
When: Wednesday, March 12, at 10:00 AM
Where: Hall Jupiter 9, IMPACT Venue, Bangkok
Demonstrations Showcasing Calibrin-Z’s Rapid Binding Action and Advanced Mineral Technology
Amlan also invites VIV attendees to explore two pre-recorded demonstrations highlighting the effectiveness of Calibrin-Z, its broad-spectrum biotoxin binder. Stop by booth 2-2842 throughout the event for an up-close look at the product’s fast-acting binding performance and powerful impact.
In the first demonstration, Dr. Dongping Wang, Senior Research Scientist at Oil-Dri Corporation of America, will illustrate how Calibrin-Z rapidly binds toxins in the gut, helping to neutralize their harmful effects.
The second session features Dr. Marc Herpfer, VP of New Technologies, who will emphasize the importance of premium mineral technology in animal production. His presentation, "Not All Bentonites Are Created Equal," will delve into how Amlan's unique mineral properties offer a distinct competitive advantage.
For more information about Phylox, Calibrin-Z, Varium, and Amlan’s full product portfolio, visit
Company Information:
Amlan International is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a global leader in sorbent mineral technology with over 80 years of expertise in mineral science. Oil-Dri selectively mines and processes its unique minerals for both consumer and business markets. Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC) operates Amlan International, which sells feed additives worldwide. Product availability may vary by country, and claims associated with Amlan’s products comply with relevant regulatory requirements.
Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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