Yacht Club de Monaco: Primo Cup-UBS Trophy begins with new classes, wind, and spectacle

MONACO, March 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Primo Cup-UBS Trophy, organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco has officially set sail today in the waters of the Principality. After this morning’s briefing, the fleets headed out to face the first races of this 41st edition, which promises to be particularly competitive. The 450 sailors from 90 crews enjoyed ideal racing conditions: clear skies, steady wind, and just the right amount of swell to test their tactical skills.
As tradition dictates, the event serves as a testing ground for new classes, and all eyes are on the ClubSwan 28, the standout innovation of the year. "It is the latest addition to our one-design range, relatively small for our compound but highly competitive. The crew consists of five sailors, and the owner-drive rule is fundamental for us because the owner must enjoy sailing," comments Lorenzo Bortolotti, YCM member and Managing Director of Nautor Swan. Designed by the prestigious Finnish shipyard, this 8.5-meter sportboat combines high performance with maneuverability. It features a carbon mast without backstays, a retractable keel that allows for transport without special permits, and a complete sail plan including mainsail, jib, gennaker, and spinnaker. "We are delighted to make our debut in Monte Carlo. This is one of the most prestigious yacht clubs, with members from all over the world. The international atmosphere here is truly remarkable," he adds. The first day's podium reflects this international dimension, with the Swiss team 'Anya Race' leading, followed by Japan's 'Hatari' and 'Black Swan' by Lorenzo Bortolotti.
Among the most anticipated classes, the J/70 once again confirms its dominance with as many as 45 teams registered. Its presence at the Primo Cup is now a tradition: “This regatta has a long history and has always been an event for developing new course formats and new types of buoys: we use dynamic buoys, which means we no longer need fixed moorings, so we don’t touch the seabed and can adjust courses more efficiently," explains Olivier Campana, President of the J/70 Class and Deputy Director of YCM. 'Euro Voiles,' takes the lead after three races. Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio (G-Spot) of the YCM follows just one point behind, with the Swiss team 'Jerry' in third place.
The Cape 31s, increasingly popular among owners, along with their asymmetrical spinnakers, once again brought energy to the event after their first participation last year. Known for their high speed, these boats host six sailors onboard and attract a wide range of racing profiles. With its modern hull and aggressive design, this class continues to make waves in the international sailing scene. "It is fantastic to sail on this boat; it is part of a new generation of yachts and is incredibly fast on the water," says Virgile Aubriot, trimmer on board 'TerribleJoy' (Cape31). "There are sailors of all experience levels here," he continues. "We have great champions like Robin Follin and Pierre Quiroga, both Solitaire du Figaro winners and multiple-time world champions. But we also have young sailors discovering the boat for the first time, and it’s really rewarding to share our knowledge with them. The scenery here is breathtaking, with the mountains, the blue water, and, of course, the constant sunshine. We had excellent conditions today, with strong wind and great waves, which was fantastic." This evening, after two races, 'Give Me Five' takes the provisional lead, overtaking 'Adrenalin,' followed by 'Solano.'
Alongside them, other iconic classes like the Longtze Premier and the Smeralda 888 also played a key role. The Smeralda 888 fleet completed two races, with 'Giada' claiming the top spot for the day, followed by 'Be Cool' in second and 'Vamos Mi Amor,' helmed by Charles de Bourbon of the Two Sicilies from YCM, in third.
With the competition now in full swing, the coming days promise thrilling races and intense battles between the fleets. The Primo Cup-Trophée UBS 2025 is only just beginning, but it is already reaffirming why Monaco remains a global sailing hub. See you tomorrow, with the first start scheduled for 11:00 AM.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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