Future-Forward: Deriv Opens Innovation Hub in Nicosia to Expand in Cyprus
- Deriv expands its presence in Cyprus with a strategic move into Nicosia, aiming to attract top talent in trading and fintech-related fields
- Driving its constant evolution, Deriv focuses on building an innovation hub to transform from being a forex broker to a fintech broker

Deriv Cyprus office in Nicosia situated on the 12th floor of the Asteroid building
NICOSIA, Cyprus, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deriv, a leading online broker in the financial sector, has unveiled plans for a second office in Cyprus, marking a significant step in its strategic expansion. Situated on the 12th floor of the renowned Asteroid building in Nicosia, the new office underscores Deriv’s commitment to revolutionising trading technology while attracting top talent in the industry.
With a global presence spanning 20 locations and a track record of 25 years, Deriv has earned multiple ‘Great Place to Work’ accolades, including for its office in Limassol. “Cyprus is pivotal to the online trading industry. We consider Nicosia a good choice due to its solid reputation as a thriving hub for research and tech,” said Rakshit Choudhary, Co-CEO of Deriv. “Our investment here not only strengthens our operational framework but also allows us to tap into the vibrant ecosystem that Cyprus has cultivated.”
Pioneering Innovation and Talent in Fintech
Scheduled to open in mid-December, the Nicosia office will serve as a cutting-edge innovation hub. This initiative is part of Deriv’s vision to evolve from a traditional forex broker into a dynamic fintech company, with a strong focus on advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and no-code/low-code development solutions. The office aims to attract exceptional talent in roles such as Trading Analysts, DevOps and WinOps Engineers, and Low-Code/No-Code Developers.
“This expansion seeks to attract forward-seeking minds who are not only looking for career opportunities but to accelerate their professional growth through the dynamic roles,” said Andreas Potamitis, Head of Nicosia Office. “Deriv offers extensive opportunities for professionals to work on AI-powered trading solutions, advanced platforms and sophisticated projects, all without the need for lengthy commutes.”
Discover career opportunities at Deriv.
About Deriv
For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,400 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and nurtures talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.
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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b00b29c1-f3be-4b3d-be48-56ce6409e4cc
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