Preqin launches Allocator Hub for private market investors
Market-first, end-to-end solution to radically accelerate asset allocation, manager selection, due diligence, and portfolio management
LONDON, Feb. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Preqin, the global leader in alternative assets data, tools, and insights, today announced the launch of the Allocator Hub, a market-first, end-to-end platform that enables asset allocation, manager selection, due diligence, and portfolio management through sophisticated investment analytics, workflow tools, and managed services. This innovative offering is designed to support investors by driving better investment outcomes and streamlining costly, time-consuming investment processes.
Jonathon Furer, Senior Vice President, Head of Limited Partners, at Preqin said, ‘We believe the alternatives markets are at an inflection point. Our research indicates the industry is on course to expand by almost 80 per cent and is set to exceed $30tn in assets under management by 2030 globally, up from $16.8tn at the end of 2023.* Yet, these markets have historically lacked standardized data, benchmarks, and analytics, combined with highly manual investment processes, resulting in high operating costs. Preqin is on a mission to modernize private markets through increased digitization and by enabling intelligent pre- and post-investment processes. The Allocator Hub brings together our clients’ data with Preqin’s market data and benchmarks through investment analytics and managed services.’
Private markets need better data and technology solutions to optimize scalability and investor outcomes
Preqin’s launch of the Allocator Hub comes at a time when institutional alternatives allocations are projected to steadily grow over the long term, with an expanding investor base across institutional and retail investors worldwide. However, there remains a wide ‘transparency gap,’ with private market data typified by the absence of standardized frameworks and having additional barriers to entry compared to public markets.
As a result, operating an effective private markets program requires a high degree of expertise, headcount, and a web of third-party consultants and vendors. For smaller investors, building a portfolio with diligence can be daunting and expensive. For those that are larger and more established, operating an investment program at scale, while controlling total cost of ownership and maximizing analytical rigor and investment returns, can be a concern.
The Allocator Hub addresses these challenges by putting actionable data and analytics in clients’ hands, while digitizing inefficient, often manual, investment processes. This solution from Preqin allows investment professionals to accelerate market mapping, conduct efficient and thorough investment due diligence, benchmark fund performance against the market, create custom indices for more precise asset allocation and risk management workflows, and more.
Available through the flagship platform, Preqin Pro, the Allocator Hub leverages the full breadth of Preqin’s market intelligence, surfacing the right data, at the right time, and in the right format to deliver actionable insights and optimal outcomes.
The Allocator Hub fits into Preqin’s ethos of empowering the global finance community. Every solution is created to make investing in alternative assets a seamless, data-driven process by providing comprehensive and actionable market data, research, and analytics.
For more information, contact Mimi Celeste Taylor at
Notes to the editors
* According to Preqin’s Future of Alternatives 2029 report.
To learn more about Allocator Hub, click here for the brochure. To request a demo, click here.
About Preqin
Preqin, the Home of Alternatives™, empowers financial professionals who invest in or allocate to alternatives with essential data and insight to make confident decisions. It supports them throughout the entire investment lifecycle with critical information and leading analytics solutions. The company has pioneered rigorous methods of collecting private data for 20 years, enabling more than 200,000 professionals globally to streamline how they raise capital, source deals and investments, understand performance, and stay informed. For more information visit
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