Large Jet Sales Signal Revived Market Confidence, Reveals Jetcraft’s Pre-Owned Business Aviation Rep
Jetcraft notes more young entrepreneurs and women are also embracing aircraft ownership
For the first time, Large jets now account for 20% of industry sales according to Ever Forward: The Pre-Owned Business Aviation Report by Jetcraft.
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The 2025 edition finds increased volume in the Large jet segment is driving a five-year forecast of 11,202 pre-owned aircraft sales, totaling US$73.9 billion in revenue.
Chad Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Jetcraft, says: “Transaction volume and values are up as business aviation waves goodbye to the post-pandemic frenzy of low inventory and short days on market.
“Industry confidence is back, promising sustainable growth to the end of the decade. As new Large jet models enter service, we also anticipate a further boost to pre-owned sales in this segment.”
The report highlights how a rising wave of younger owners continues to fuel the industry long-term, with the share of Jetcraft buyers aged under 45 nearly doubling in ten years to a record 29% in 2024.
Jahid Fazal-Karim, Owner and Chairman of the Board, Jetcraft, adds: “We’re seeing a global shift in generational wealth, with businesses and investments inherited at a younger age than ever before. This, coupled with rapid growth in tech, AI and finance is accelerating an increase in ‘new tech’ billionaires, with Ultra-High-Net-Worth-Individuals (UHNWI) leveraging business aviation to support their professional and lifestyle needs.
“With this changing demographic comes increased diversity – 42% of Jetcraft buyers from this group are from the entertainment industry, and 29% are women.”
Regionally, the Americas remain the major hub for pre-owned aircraft transactions, with 79% of all global sales taking place internally within the continent since 2020. Across the market, prices have stabilized, but Light aircraft continue to outperform, depreciating significantly slower than larger models. This is due to a rise in UHNWIs entering this segment since 2021.
The 11th edition of Ever Forward marks an evolution in business aviation forecasting, leveraging detailed transaction data alongside shifting buyer behavior metrics to deliver a comprehensive picture of the next five years. Download the full report here.
About Jetcraft
More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For over 60 years Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 100+ dedicated aviation specialists across 30+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions and trading at the speed of life.
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